Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Unit 15: Women in society - Reading

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  1. Welcome to class 12/10
  2. 102019181716151413123029282726252423222111987654321 Activity 1: Kim’s game a teacher a policewoman a doctor an astronaut a singer a politician
  3. Unit 15: Women In Society Reading
  4. Activity 2: Answering the question: 1. What is this woman doing? 2. How many roles does this woman have? 3. Is her life typical of a Vietnamese woman’s life? Why/Why not? Working on Going to the Helping her computer supermarket children study Serving a meal Playing with her children Taking out the garbage
  5. 2. How many roles does this woman have? → She has two roles: roles of a bread - winner and a housewife. 3. Is her life typical of a Vietnamese woman’s life? Why/Why not? → Yes, it is. Because a Vietnamese woman not only works to earn money but she also does the housework.
  6. Activity 3: Matching (Task 1, page 163) A B 1. human civilization a. cơ hội làm việc bình đẳng 2. childbearing b. việc chăm sóc gia đình 3. involvement c. năng lực trí tuệ 4. Age of Enlightenment d. việc sinh con 5. advocate e. niềm tin văn hóa ăn sâu 6. deep-seated cultural beliefs vào tiềm thức 7. homemaking f. thời đại khai sáng g. nền văn minh nhân loại 8. suited for sth h. sự tham gia 9. intellectual ability i. tán thành 10. equal work opportunity j. thích hợp 1. g 2. d 3. h 4. f 5. i 6. e 7. b 8. j 9. c 10. a
  7. Activity 4: Giving the main idea to each paragraph Main ideas Paragraph number a. The struggle for women’s rights 2 b. Women’s roles and rights nowadays 3 c. People’s attitude towards women’s 1 intellectual ability in the past
  8. Activity 5: Choosing the best answers (Task 2, page 164) 1. According to the text, what was the main role traditionally accorded to women? A. working in education B. building houses C. taking care of the house and family D. working in factories [Paragraph 1, line (2-3)]
  9. 2. Before the 18th century, what was the attitude of societies towards women’s intellectual ability? A. respectful B. supportive C. resentful D. disbelieving [Paragraph 1, line (6-7-8)]
  10. 3. According to the text, what is the purpose of the struggle for women’s rights? A. to free women from housework B. to establish a friendly relationship between men and women C. to bring equality between men and women D. to argue that women have better intellectual ability [Paragraph 2, line (1-2)]
  11. 4. What do “these pioneer thinkers” at the end of paragraph 2 refer to? A. 18th century European people B. 18th century European political philosophers C. 18th century European women D. 18th century European politicians [Paragraph 2, line (4-5-6)]
  12. 5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph as one of women’s legal rights today? A. the right to hold property B. the right to equal pay C. equal employment opportunity rights D. the right to vote [Paragraph 3, line 3- 4]
  13. Activity 6: Choosing the best title for the passage. (Task 3, page 165) A. Women’s Intellectual Ability B. The Age of Enlightenment C. Women’s Rights D. Women’s Role in Education
  14. Activity 7: Complete the summary of the reading passage by putting the words in the box into the blanks. because of believed restricted despite opportunities had enjoy treated In the past, women were (1)___ to the role of mothers and wives (2)___ widespread doubt about their intellectual ability. The struggle for women’s rights began in the 18th century when European political philosophers (3)___ that women should be (4)___ equally. Women now (5)___ important legal rights such as equal work (6)___ and equal pay to men, the right to vote and to gain education.
  15. Consolidation: Struggle for women’s rights Women in the past in the European Women at present 18th pioneer roles century thinkers / important women legal rights should be treated mother - equal work opportunities wives equally s - equal pay - the right to vote and to gain education
  16. Homework: • Write a short paragraph about the typical life of a Vietnamese woman. • Prepare for Speaking.