Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Trường THPT Cẩm Lệ

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Nội dung text: Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Trường THPT Cẩm Lệ

  1. ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP THI LẠI MÔN TIẾNG ANH – Lớp 10 I. Đổi các câu sau sang bị động( Turn into the passive voice). 1. The secretary opens the mails every morning.- ___ 2. The teacher doesn’t allow me to take the seat by the window. ___ 3. You should finish the report right now. ___ 4. We shall discuss the matter in the afternoon. ___ 5. He has to pay the bills before the fifth of the month. ___ 6. No one has opened that box for the past hundred years. ___ 7. The boy screamed while the dentist was pulling out one of his teeth. ___ 8. The children are carrying the chairs into the house. ___ 9. They awarded him the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1946. ___ 10. They have built a bridge in this village. ___ II. Đặt câu hỏi cho phần gạch chân (Make questions for the underlined words/ phrases in the following sentences) 1. My sister is a pianist. ___ 2. I often listen to classical music to relax my mind. ___ 3. We prefer pop music to classical music. ___ 4. My mother took me to the museum yesterday. ___ 5. Lan didn’t go to school yesterday because she had sore eyes. ___ 6. We went to Dalat for our last summer. ___ 7. He left his wallet on the bus. ___ 8. My sister can sing English songs very well. ___ 9. Mary goes to library twice a week. ___ 10. Phong gets up at 5:30. ___ III. Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng “It was not until that ”(Rewrite the sentences using “It was not until that ”) 1. We didn't have any holiday until last summer. ___
  2. 2. She didn't stop learning German until the age of 24. ___ 3. I didn't sleep until midnight. ___ 4. They didn't pay the bill until the electricity was cut off. ___ 5. He did not become a doctor until 2000. ___ 6. She didn’t know how to speak Viet namese until she was a child. ___ 7. We didn’t have dinner until he came home. ___ 8. I didn’t go home until the rain stopped. ___ 9. They didn't pay the bill until the electricity was cut off. ___ 10. I couldn't comment further until I had all the information. ___ IV. Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng cụm từ chỉ mục đích (Rewrite the following sentences using phrase of purpose) 1. I went out into the garden because I want to get some fresh air ___ 2.I have to get up at 6.00 because I want to catch the 7.00 train ___ 3.I have set the alarm clock because I don’t want to be tale for work tomorrow ___ 4.He turned down the TV because he didn’t want to annoy the neighbors ___ 5.I have applied for a library ticket. I can borrow some books. ___ 6. Mother entered the room quietly . She didn’t want to wake up her baby ___ 7. Mary phoned me. She wanted to invite me to a party. ___ 8. We are learning English. We can get a good job. ___ 9. I took off my shoes. I didn’t want to make any noise ___ 10. He turned off the lights. He didn’t want to waste electricity . ___ V. Chọn từ có cách phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với từ còn lại (Cirele the word that has the underlined letter(s) pronounced differently from that/ those of the others). 1. A. wear B. here C. where D. pair 2. A. parked B. played C. stayed D. loved 3. A. books B. cuts C. pubs D. caps 4. A. business B. lives C. roles D. delights 6. A become B city C consider D cup 7. A easy B style C classical D sleep 9. A. here B. bear C. hear D. engineer 10. A. four B. your C. tour D. course 11. A. seafood B. release C. threaten D. beneath
  3. 12. A. parked B. watched C. endangered D. stopped 13. A. stationed B. belonged C. established D. studied 14. A. books B. students C. things D. delights 15. A. they B. father C. think D. although 16. A. of B. deaf C. leaf D. wife 17. A. champion B. chairman C. character D. which 18. A. something B. think C. without D. thank 19. A. those B. they C. themselves D. theatre 20. A photo B form C of D fiction 21. A school B chemistry C.Christmas D championship 22. A. cup B. runner C. stadium D. fun 23. A. team B. beat C. defeat D. great 24. A. honour B. hero C. held D. happy 25. A. tournament B. south C. around D. founded VI. Chọn câu trả lời đúng (Choose the correct answers) 1. 'Would you like (have/ to have/ having/ had) lunch with us?' - Yes, I'd love to.' 2. A: I'm really tired. (Let's/ Shall we/ How about/ Could you) resting before we go out? B: That's good idea. I'm tired too. 3. They have just bought some paint. They (be going to paint/ will paint / to painting/ are going to paint) their house this afternoon. 4. Yesterday she heard (surprising/ surprising/ surprised / surprised) news. 5. I do not think Robert ( is going to win/ is winning/will win / won’t win) the gold medal. 6. The third World Cup was held in France in 1983. It means France was a (an) (organization/ FIFA/ host nation/ team) 7. She has saved a sum of money for her (retiring/ retire/ retirement/ retired). 8. Peter has practiced playing the piano (in order enter/to entering/ to enter / to not enter) the piano contest next week. 9. In the final match, our school team defeated the visiting team by 4( against/ with/ up / to). 10. ( How long / How far/ How much/ How often) you stay there? – I spent three wonderful weeks there. 11. ( Pop music / Jazz / Folk music / Classical music) is traditional music of a country. 12. The Beatles used to be internationally famous ( for / along/ with / at) their songs and performances. 13. It was not until I was 15 years old that I ( learned / had learned/ was learning/ is learning) how to ride a bicycle. 14. It is an ( excitement/ exciting/ excited/ excite) game. 15. The film Titanic is about the sinking of a luxury liner. (submarine/ ship / ferry/ car) 16. Music makes a funeral more solemn and (mournful / interesting / lyrical / exciting). 17. The old silent films were being replaced by (the musical cinema / the detective film / the cartoon/ the science fiction film). 18. A: Hello, Can I speak to Jim, please? B: Just a moment I ( get / am getting / will get / am going to get) him. 19. (When/ Where / What / Why) are you learning Chinese for? – To sing Chinese songs. 20. He is very (interestingly / interest/ interesting / interested) in my story. 21. World Cup is considered the most popular event in the world .( the continent / the region/ the globe / the nation) 22. She took a bus ( in order to not / so as not to /to not/ not to) be late. 23. Music can ( play / express /talk/ compose) ideas, thoughts and feeling. 24. ( How / What / When // Where) do you go to school? – By bicycle. 25. Jack Dawson is a person in the film Titanic. ( cinema/ scene / decade/ character)
  4. 26. My village is located (in / at / of/ on) the northern part of the city. 27. If I ( had been/ were / has been/ are) you, I wouldn't accept the invitation. 28. The starfish live on or depend ( on / of / in/ for) the bottom. 29. I went to the library ( for studying/ to study / to studying / studying) last night. 30. Cuc Phuong National Park ( contains / covers / gets / holds) over 200 square kms of rainforest. 31. I haven’t been to the cinema for a decade. ( twenty years / seven years/ ten years / five years) 32. Van Cao is one of the most well-known (/ actors / authors/ musicians/ singers) in Viet Nam. 33. “Tien Quan Ca”, the Viet Nam national ( folk song/ anthem/ epic/ pop song), was written by Van Cao. 34. How many countries took part in the first World Cup? ( interested/ participated/ competed/ co-operated) 35. I think Germany (will win / is winning/ is going to win / wins) the gold cup in the 2006 World Cup. 36.The World Cup (was held / have held/ holds/ is held) every four years. 37. ( Why / Who / When / What) did you buy this book? – I bought it yesterday. 38. It was not until 1980 that they (to begin/ didn’t begin / began / begin) to learn English. 39. If you (broke / break/ have broken / had broke) this glass, you would have to pay for it. 40. What's ( the / a / an / no article) weather like in winter in your country? V. Read the passage and answer the questions below (2pts) Mount Kinabalu in the Kinabalu National Park is Southeast Asia’s highest mountain and is called “the home of the spirits of the departed”. It is indeed a challenge to climb Mount Kinabalu. To do it usually takes three days. If you want to make the climb, the first part of your journey from Kota Kinabalu to the Kinabalu National park can be made by bus. The park is about 5.000 feet above sea level. In the park, there are over 800 varieties of orchids and about 500 species of birds. If you are adventurous enough, you can walk along paths leading to the mountain streams, waterfalls and even bat caves. The lower slopes of the mountain are covered by rainforests. The most difficult part of the climb is when you make the final ascent up the summit. It is an experience that only you can describe when you finally reach the peak. Questions: 1. What is Mount Kinabalu called ? 2. How long does it take to climb Mount Kinabalu? 3. How do you go to Mount Kinabalu from Kota Kinabalu? 4. What are there in the park? Louis Braille was born in 1890 in Coupvray. He was a French teacher of the blind. He himself was blind from the age of three, and in 1818 he went as a foundling to the National Institute for the Young Blind in Paris. Soon showing marked ability in both science and music, he became famous in Paris as an organist and violoncellist. In 1826 Braille began teaching the blin in the institute. Braille is known for his idea of modifying the Barbier “point writing” system, used for coded army message, to enable the blind to read. Point writing consists of embossed dots and dashes on cardboard; the Braille system derived from it is used successfully today, in slightly modified form, and in many countries.
  5. 1. When and where was Louis Braille born? 2. In what fields did he show his marked ability? 3. Was the Braille system derived from the Barbier “pointing writing” system?