Đề cương ôn tập Unit 11 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Trường THPT Trần Phú

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  1. UNIT 11: BOOKS 1. Match the words in A with their meanings in B: A B 1. taste a. grind (food) between the teeth 2. swallow b. feeling of being happy or satisfied 3. chew c. make a brief study of 4. digest d. be able to perceive 5. dip into sth e. change (food) so that it can be used by the body; fully understand 6. pleasure f. allow (food or drink) to go down the throat 2. Choose the best answers: 1. Taking soup is easy and fast; just put it in your mouth and A. chew B. taste C. swallow D. digest 2. It gives her great to work with these young children. A. time B. pleasure C. taste D. happy 3. I can onion in this soup. A. chew B. taste C. swallow D. feel 4. You’re ill; you shouldn’t eat meat. Fish is easy to A. digest B. chew C. swallow D. taste 5. He found it difficult to food with a loose tooth. A. swallow B. taste C. chew D. digest 6. I think he has just had time to into the story, not to digest it yet. A. chew B. taste C. swallow D. dip 7. Have you ever pizza – an Italian speciality? A. chewed B. digested C. dipped D. tasted 3. Change the sentences into passive voice if possible: 1. You mustn’t leave your suitcase unattended. 2. They should leave the place immediately. 3. You can’t wash this suit. You must dry-clean it. 4. The cleaner found a wallet in the classroom yesterday. 5. The police shouldn’t allow to park in this area. 6. We can’t repair your computer. 7. We have to move to the new house. 8. The students may use dictionaries during the test. 9. Tom will work for that company. 10. My parents used to give me lucky money on New Year’s Day. 4. Rewrite the sentences: 1. It is possible that they will offer you that job. You 2. I think it’s necessary to tell Tim about it at once. Tim 3. It is essential that we meet him at the airport. He 4. It’s very likely that the company will accept his application. His application 5. Perhaps my brother writes this letter.
  2. This letter 6. It’s certain that paint covers the lock. (That’s why you can’t put the key in.) The lock must 7. It’s necessary that you renew your passport. Your passport 5. Use the words given to make sentences, decide whether they are active or passive: 1. New bridge / will probably / build / here / next month. . 2. Grass / must / cut / every week. . 3. He / ought / be / more polite. . 4. Dogs / not allow / planes. . 5. Tom / must / punish / for / bad behaviour. . 6. You / mustn’t / go / late / night. . 7. These rules / have to / follow / strictly. . 8. Tom / say / reports / would / complete / noon. . 6. Replace the underlined phrases: astonishingly, interestingly, curiously, personally, happily, sadly, not surprisingly, unfortunately 1. In my opinion, I think that any form of physical punishment is unacceptable. 2. I’m absolutely amazed that some private investigators are teenagers themselves. 3. It is said that there is a growing trend towards violence in our schools. 4. It is regrettable that many parents just don’t communicate with their children. 5. It’s strange that some kidnap victims end up sympathizing with their captors. 6. As you would expect, most parents worry about their children’s safety. 7. It’s worth nothing that most children don’t leave home until they get married. 8. I’m pleased to be able to say that this is an exception rather than the rule. 7. Change the sentences into passive voice: 1. Sharon will meet you at the airport and take you to your apartment. 2. The employer ought to pay insurance for his employees. 3. Your definitely must look after your pets better than now. 4. We should raise much more money for the new bridge. 5. Archeology can rediscover some lost civilizations and present them to the public. 6. The traffic warden will give you a fine if you park your car here. 7. The New World Hotel will hold a fashion show this week. 8. They must restore this building or it’ll collapse. 8. Rewrite the sentences: 1. To use this telephone, insert a coin in this opening. (should) To use this telephone, a coin 2. Somebody ought to do something about this case. (be) Something 3. I’m afraid they may laugh at you. (you)
  3. I’m afraid 4. If the house were in a better condition, you’d sell it with a higher price. (be) The house 5. The secretary will have to send these letters urgently. (sent) These letters 6. Children must not play football in the street. It’s dangerous. (played) Football 7. To keep children safe, put all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboards. (must) To keep children safe, all chemicals 8. You should bring a raincoat with you just in case it rains. (brought) A raincoat 9. Choose the best answers: 1. Oliver Twist is a classic work of English A. literature B. non-fiction C. letters D. editions 2. The plot of the novel was very exciting, but I didn’t find the very interesting. A. persons B. people C. characters D. figures 3. A novel is usually divided into several A. chapters B. units C. sections D. passages 4. Tuoi Tre is the of the book you’re reading. A. author B. editor C. printer D. publisher 5. Ernest Hemingway is one of my American writers. A. best B. favourite C. ideal D. most popular 6. The thriller was so exciting that I couldn’t A. let it down B. look it up C. pick it up D. put it down 7. Even the characters in the book are really interesting. A. less B. minor C. small D. tiny 8. I’d like to that book when you’ve read it. A. borrow B. hire C. lend D. loan 9. sometimes describe books as “hard to put down”. A. Audiences B. Researchers C. Reviewers D. Workers 10. A/ an is a book from which information may be obtained. A. atlas B. index C. reference book D. extract 11. Books are one of the most wonderful sources of A. knowing B. knowledge C. entertain D. informative 12. He showed us their stories through the animal eyes, made the book exciting. A. that B. which C. what D. why 13. Each animal has a distinct personality, but they care one another. A. of B. for C. about D. after 14. Raymond Chandler’s detective stories are admired both by critics general readers. A. but B. also C. and D. as 15. The book is well-known because it shows us how to solve problems. A. person B. people C. personal D. personality 16. When you are at work, your uniform at all time. A. must wear B. must be wear C. must have worn D. must be worn 17. Children not to touch the live wire. A. must warn B. must warned C. must be warned D. must to be warned 18. This bridge by the year 2010. A. will be finished B. will have finished C. will have been finished D. will have been finishing 19. Mr. James was an important person, he to our party but we didn’t. A. should invite B. should have invited C. must be invited D. should have been invited 20. A book is a type of book that is based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future. A. novel B. romance C. science fiction D. poem 21. That book was so that I couldn’t put it down. A. fascinate B. fascinated C. fascinating D. fascinatingly 22. His books were quickly sold out right after their first
  4. A. publish B. publishing C. publisher D. publication 23. Fiction books tell stories from the author’s A. attitude B. view C. idea D. imagination 24. A book tells stories through pictures. A. comic B. poem C. novel D. science fiction 25. Animals can speak and act as people, which makes the book interesting and A. believable B. unbelievable C. believing D. unbelieving 26. A novel is a story in which the and events are usually imaginary A. characters B. actresses C. actors D. readers 27. I recommend his books all of my students and friends. A. by B. with C. for D. to 28. Can you pick me in front of the museum at 6 tomorrow? A. down B. again C. up D. on 29. Titanic film is based the true story of the Titanic disaster that occurred in 1912. A. on B. for C. by D. at 30. Everything out of the supermarket without paying. A. is taken B. must be taken C. can be taken D. mustn’t be taken 31. Your hair needs everyday two days. A. washing B. wash C. be washed D. to wash 32. Your teeth need every six months. A. check B. to check C. to be checked D. be checking 33. He the grass. The gardener does it. A. doesn’t need cut B. doesn’t need to cut C. needn’t to cut D. needn’t cutting 10. Find a mistake in each sentence: 1. You must have been read this book before, didn’t you? 2. The librarian told that this book can return to the library next week. 3. A scientific fiction book is a type of book that is based in author’s imagination. 4. The more people watch TV, the lesser people read books. 5. You needn’t to be clean this machine until the petrol lowers a half. 11. Fill in the blank with suitable word: on, in, from, with, into, be, hobby, work, friends, which, category, time, to make, spend, take My is collecting books, this work doesn’t much time but must done regularly. Whenever I find a book is interesting I buy it immediately. I buy some from the bookshop near my house and some others second-hand book stalls. Sometimes my , my mum and dad give me some. I classify them different categories and out each in one corner of my bookshelf with a name tag it. I think I’ll continue my collection richer and richer. 12. Read the passage and answer the questions: Educational researchers have found that there is a strong correlation (sự tương quan) between reading and academic success. In other words, a student who is a good reader is more likely to do well in school and pass exams than a student who is a weak reader. Good readers can understand the individual sentences and the organizational structure (cấu trúc tổ chức) of a piece of writing. They can comprehend (hiểu, lĩnh hội) ideas, follow arguments (luận cứ), and detect (khám phá ra) implications (sự ngụ ý, hàm ý). They know most of the words in the text already, but they can also determine (xác định) the meaning of many of the unfamiliar words from the context - f ailing this, they can use their dictionary effectively to do so. In summary, good readers can extract from the writing what is important for the particular task they are employed in. And they can do it quickly! Educational researchers have also found a strong correlation between reading and vocabulary knowledge. In other words, students who have a large vocabulary are usually good readers. This is not surprising, since the best way to acquire (thu được) a large vocabulary is to read extensively (bao quát), and if you read extensively you are likely to be or become a good reader! 1. What have educational researchers found? 2. Do good readers do better in school than the weak ones? 3. What have educational researchers also found?
  5. 4. How should we do to acquire a large vocabulary? 5. What is the main idea of the reading passage? 13. Choose the best answers: 1. Which subject is this book ? A. for B. on C. of D. up 2. Francis Bacon lived about the same time as Shakespeare. A. on B. with C. in D. over 3. This book is not really . It’s waste of money buying it. A. inform B. information C. informative D. informatively 4. A book may be evaluated by a reader or professional writer to create a book A. review B. reviewing C. reviewer D. reviewed 5. books are ones in which the story is told or illustrated with pictures. A. Comic B. Thriller C. Romantic D. Science 6. Boy, stop reading. the book down and go to bed. A. Take B. Put C. Set D. Pick 7. A book may be studied by students as the of a writing and analysis exercise in the form of a book report. A. limit B. time C. subject D. interest 8. It is a good book. I think it is interesting enough for you to A. put down B. swallow C. look up D. understand 9. A is a report in a newspaper or magazine in which a writer gives his opinion of a book, a film or a play. A. page B. subject C. review D. journey 10. If you a book, you have a brief look at it without reading or studying it seriously. A. dip into B. put away C. pick up D. put down 11. Those letters now. You can do the typing later. A. need typing B. needn’t be typed C. need to type D. needn’t typing 12. The museum is open to everybody. It between 9 a and 5 p.m. A. visits B. visited C. can visit D. can be visited 13. The train by bad weather. I am not sure. A. might delay B. might be delaying C. might have delayed D. might have been delayed 14. The room once a day. A. should clean B. should be cleaning C. should be cleaned D. should have cleaned 15. She walked past me without saying a word. She me. A. can’t have seen B. can’t see C. can’t have been seen D. can be seen 16. I think the match . Everybody’s gone into the stadium and you can hear them cheering. A. was started B. will be started C. must started D. must have started 17. We found the exam extremely easy. We so hard. A. needn’t study B. needn’t be studying C. needn’t have studied D. needn’t have been studied 18. Who does the book belong ? A. for B. to C. on D. through 19. To become a novelist, you need to be A. imagine B. imagination C. imaginative D. imaginarily 20. A is the story of a person’s life written by somebody else. A. romance B. fiction C. biography D. science 21. When a reader reads an interesting book slowly and carefully, he it. A. reviews B. chews and digests C. swallows D. dips into 22. This book to Peter. It is not mine. A. possesses B. owns C. has D. belongs 23. Things clear to them so that they can do the work in the way that you have told them. A. are making B. ought to be made C. have made D. needn’t be made 24. in simpler words?
  6. A. Has the issue expressed B. Can’t this issue express C. Can this issue express D. Couldn’t this issue be expressed 25. We spend more time watching TV than reading books. But fact, TV has not killed reading. A. for B. upon C. at D. in 26. Books are a wonderful source knowledge and pleasure. A. with B. of C. in D. about 27. After leaving school, many of us only read for A. please B. pleasant C. pleasure D. pleasing 28. Please give me some advice to buy suitable books for my girl. A. recommendation B. information C. fiction D. interest 29. The reviewer Mathew’s new novel as new style of modern science fiction. A. chewed B. digested C. described D. drew 30. I have nearly finished reading the book. There are only a few left. A. pieces B. pages C. slices D. sheets 31. It wasn’t obligatory to submit my assignment today. A. My assignment must have been submitted today. B. I needn’t have submitted my assignment today. C. My assignment was required to submit by today. D. I mustn’t submit my assignment today. 32. It’s time we left for the disco. A. We may leave for the disco now. B. We needn’t leave for the disco now. C. You needn’t leave for the disco now. D. We must have leave for the disco now. 33. It was a mistake for you to lose your passport. A. You shouldn’t have lost your passport. B. There must be a mistake in your passport. C. You needn’t have brought your passport. D. Your passport must be lost. 34. My car keys are possibly in the kitchen. A. My car keys should be put in the kitchen. B. My car keys cannot be in the kitchen. C. I do not know whether my car keys are in the kitchen. D. My car keys might be in the kitchen. 35. Is it possible for me to come to your house at about 7? A. Must I come over to your house at about 7? B. Could I be come to your house at about 7? C. Can I come to your house at about 7? D. Will I come to your house at about 7? 14. Fill in the gaps with suitable words: theme, appendix, fiction, reunite, unnoticed, absorption, digestive, romantic, science-fiction, swallowed, contents, periodically 1. The elderly often have problems. 2. Most of my salary gets up by the rent and bills. 3. His departure passed 4. Mailing lists are updated 5. There have been rumours that the band will for a world tour. 6. The president stressed a favourite campaign - greater emphasis on education. 7. A table of is the list at the front of a book. 8. Full details of geographical names are given in 9. Arthur Clarke is the most respected and most experienced of writers. 10. When I was younger, I had ideas of becoming a writer. 11. Truth is stranger than (saying) 12. Her in work is so great that she thinks about nothing else. 15. Supply the correct form of the word: 1. The results of the survey made reading. (fascinate) 2. The children all have very different (personal) 3. of his biography was timed to coincide with his 70th birthday celebrations. (publish) 4. He talked of the past and his youth. (romantic) 5. There are mild substances in the saliva that begin the whole process of (digest) 6. Fish struggle for when the water level drops in the lake. (survive) 7. This book is a account of the life of St. Francis. (fiction) 8. All the papers deal with the same subject in their (edit) 16. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition: 1. The girls listened fascination as the story unfolded. 2. Large areas of countryside have been swallowed by towns.
  7. 3. Last night she was reunited her children. 4. She contributed a numbers of articles the magazine. 5. When is the book coming out paperback? 6. She seemed totally absorbed her book. 7. She wrote the book collaboration one of her students. 8. A child’s vocabulary expands reading. 9. I recommend the book all my students. 10. Do you have any information train times? 17. Change the sentences into passive voice: 1. People should save pandas from extinction. 2. People must obey all traffic laws. 3. Someone ought to repair this broken window. 4. Someone should have supplied the hotel guests with clean towels. 5. Someone had better take this garbage to the dump soon. 6. Someone ought to have reported the accident to the police. 18. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of verbs: consider, forget, repeat, tell, cost, pollute, sew, whisper, discover, read, sign, wrap 1. John has a right to know. He ought to the news immediately. If you don’t do it, I will. 2. I have no patience with gossips. What I told Bill was a secret. He shouldn’t have it to you. 3. Use this brown paper and tape. A package has to carefully before it is mailed. Otherwise, the post office won’t send it. 4. I don’t know why Susan wasn’t at the meeting. She must have about it. Next time there’s a meeting, I’ll be sure to remind her about it. 5. The ancient ruins may have as early as 1792. The historical record is difficult to interpret. 6. You should this button back on right away before you lost it. Here’s a needle and thread. 7. Did you know that Sarah bought a new sports car? I don’t know how much she paid for it, and of course it’s none of my business, but it must have her a lot of money. 8. Let’s not talk so loudly. We don’t want to awaken the baby. We’d better 9. You’d better not drink that river water. It could 10. We have no choice in the matter. It know Tom wants to spend the night outside in a tent with his friends, but he’s sick. His well-being must above all else. We have to tell him he can’t do it. 11. Your passport is supposed to It is invalid without your signature. 12. I think everyone should this newspaper on the economic crisis. It has information that everyone should have. 19. Read the passage and choose the best answers: Books which give instructions on how to do things are very popular in the United States today. Thousands of these How-to books are useful: in fact, there are about four thousand books with titles what begin with the words “How to”. One book may tell you how to earn more money, another may tell you how to save or spend it, and another may explain how to give your money away. Many How-to books give advice on careers. They tell you how to choose a career and how to succeed in it. If you fail, however, you can buy the book. “How to Turn Failure into Success”. If you would like to become very rich, you can buy the book “How to Make a Millionaire”. If you never make any money at all, you may need a book called “How to Live on Nothing”. One of the most popular types of books is one that helps you with personal problems. If you want to have a better love of life, you can read “How to Succeed in Love every Minute of Your Life”. If you are tired of books on happiness, you may prefer books which give step-by-step instructions on how to redecorate or enlarge a house. Why have How-to books become so popular? Probably because life has become so complex. Today people have far more free time to use, more choices to make, and more problems to solve. How-to books help people deal with modern life. 1. From the first paragraph, we know How-to books are
  8. A. only about for thousand copies B. on money C. very helpful in life D. needed a lot 2. The passage tells us that How-to books sell well on how A. to succeed in career B. to solve personal problems C. to deal with business D. to make money 3. If you often read How-to books, you A. will be sure to get something you need B. will not know how to help yourself in life C. will become a man in life D. needn’t think any more in the world 4. How-to books appear only because A. People have more free time to spend than before B. People meet more problems than their parents C. People may have more choices from How-to books than any other books D. modern life is more difficult to deal with 5. The word “step-by-step” would probably mean A. little by little B. gradually C. slower and slower D. A and B  REVISION 1. Choose the best answers: 1. Three stretches of sandy desert almost circle the centre of Australia. A. continuous B. movements C. regions D. local areas 2. The Gibbon, Great Sandy, and Tarami Deserts comprise an enormous sandy area. A. a lot of B. continuous C. very large D. very hot 3. In the north of Lake Eyre, lies the Simpson Desert, the last part of Australia to be explored. A. known B. studied C. reached D. given a name 4. The camels traveled roughly along the border of South Australia and the Northern Territory. A. violently B. calmly C. approximately D. quickly 5. Three years later Madigan led a scientific expedition across the sand dunes on a more northerly route. A. achievement B. organized journey C. research D. information 6. The dunes are parallel and separated by corridors of low, open shrub land. A. connected B. surrounded C. blown away D. divided 7. Minh had a terrible headache. , he went to school. A. Therefore B. But C. So D. However 8. It was too dark to go on, we found somewhere to stay. A. so B. but C. however D. therefore 9. It was raining hard. The match went ahead, A. therefore B. however C. but D. so 10. Ann doesn’t get on well with people around her. She has changed her job many times. A. however B. so C. therefore D. but 2. Rewrite the sentences, using the given words: 1. Because it rained heavily, the match was cancelled. (so) 2. Although she studied hard, she didn’t pass the examination. (however) 3. We have decided to cancel the meeting because many people haven’t arrived yet. (therefore) 4. Although the film was interesting, nobody liked it. (but) 5. An has lived in the US for years, but she can’t speak English. (however) 3. Choose the best answers: 1. The reference book is expensive, so I think I’ll borrow it from the , rather than buying it. A. bookshop B. newsagent’s C. library D. school’s shop 2. She had to help her mother. , she was often late for school. A. So B. Therefore C. But D. However 3. I did my best. ., it was not good enough. A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Even though
  9. 4. Many airlines are offering discount tickets for flights, . more people are flying for weekend trips to scenic cities. A. so B. because C. although D. whereas 5. You smoke in here. It’s against the rules. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. mightn’t 6. Why don’t you ask Mike? He know the boy’s address. A. ought B. needn’t C. might have D. may 7. The director . at the airport. A. must meet B. must to be met C. have to be meet D. must be met 8. A big shopping mall . in the city center. A. will build B. is going to build C. is going to be built D. must being built 9. If you’ve got a certificate in language proficiency, you the course. A. needn’t take B. mustn’t take C. mightn’t take D. may not take 10. The reports . by tomorrow as the manager needs it before the meeting. A. will be finished B. ought to be finished C. are finished D. must finish 4. Complete the sentences with the given words: forget, have, tell, read, grant, save, permit, stop, divide 1. Mr. John is supposed to the profits among the shareholders. 2. Pandas and gorillas are in danger. They should from extinction. 3. George has a right to know. He ought to the news immediately. If you don’t do it, I will. 4. I think everyone should this paperback on the economic crisis. It has information that everyone should 5. I don’t know why Henry wasn’t at the meeting. He must about it. 6. I shouldn’t by the police. I’m sure I wasn’t speeding, but I got a ticket anyway. 7. There is a possibility that research students will permission to see the documents. 8. It is desirable that students to take a short rest after lunchtime. 5. Choose the best answers: Books are written for the benefit and pleasure of all those who like to read them. But they are (in/ of/ on/ for) various type. There are books for children as well as for (babies/ youngsters/ teenagers/ adults). Some books are written for the specialists, some are written for students in the schools and universities, and many are written just for the pleasures of the (spirit/ soul/ mind/ brain). Indeed, the variety of books is (clear/ definite/ indefinite/ believable). One of the reasons for the (formation/ publication/ introduction/ existence) of such a wide variety of books is that, the field of knowledge is very (extensive/ intensive/ different/ popular). Even to grasp a small part of it, one has to read several books for many years. Another reason is that different people have different likes or dislikes. The book that one likes to read, the other may not like. Almost every book extends the knowledge of the reader and (affects/ attracts/ harms/ develops) his intellect as well. Even if the reader does not learn any new facts from the book, he may at (all/ least/ most/ best) learn a few new words, expressions or ideas. In fact, certain books are written mainly to (offer/ provide/ bewilder/ acquaint) the reader with the beauty of language and ideas. They do not deal with facts or (actual/ previous/ personal/ direct) human experiences. 6. Choose the best answers: 1. There’s someone at the door. It can / must be the postman. 2. Don’t worry, you don’t have to / mustn’t pay now. 3. Sorry, I can’t stay any longer. I have to / might go. 4. It was 5 o’clock an hour ago. Your watch can’t / mustn’t be right. 5. It’s a school rule, all the pupils have to / must wear a uniform. 6. You mustn't / don’t have to leave now. 7. Let’s tell Diana. She could / might not know. 8. I didn’t need / didn’t have to arrive at seven. 8. Rewrite the sentences: 1. Although I tried to persuade her, I didn’t succeed. I tried to persuade her, 2. I can’t come to your party because I’m too busy. I’m too busy, 3. Is it necessary for me to bring my raincoat? Do I have 4. You are not allowed to cross the area.
  10. You mustn’t 5. You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to. You . 6. You are not allowed to park here. Parking 7. I ran. I couldn’t keep pace with him, however. Although 8. While United were fast and accurate, City were slow and careless. United were fast and accurate, 9. Give the correct word form: 1. Da Nang is in Vietnam. (centre) 2. Billions of dollars have been spent on of space. (explore) 3. A illness is affecting all the animals in this region and has even caused death. (mystery) 4. Let’s meet at the lobby after lunchtime. (enter) 5. The location of the town accounts for the importance of the town. (geography) 6. It is to cross the sea in a small boat. (danger) 7. Some dolphin species are in danger of (extinct) 8. An elephant has tremendous (strong) 9. Please don’t shout! It’s rather (polite) 10. Maria takes great in her work. (proud) 11. Mary never stops chatting! She is a very person. (talk) 12. Please don’t tell lies. It is very (honest) 13. What was your first of Ron? (impress) 14. You have made a lot of mistakes. You are too (care) 15. He was more than most of his friends. (imagine) 16. It gives me great to introduce our next guest. (please) 17. Congratulations! That’s news! (wonder) 18. In these jungle areas, everyday is a fight for (survive) 19. Their is planned for September. (marry) 20. Tom’s aptitude and are right for the job advertised. (person) 10. Fill each gap with one of the words given: forest, safe, species, hunters, communicative, plant, destruction, unsuitable, protection, jungle 1. It isn’t to play with wild animals. 2. Many wild animals were shot by simply for sport. 3. Many different kinds of animals live in the 4. Birds aren’t all the same. There are many different 5. The road goes through a nice pine 6. We bought Diana a beautiful indoor for her birthday. 7. Everyone is worried about the of the rainforests. 8. If wild animals had more , they wouldn’t be in danger. 9. Jane’s parents decided that her rat was an pet. 10. Koko loves to talk. She’s a very animal. 11. Fill each gap with one of the words given: character, advice, author, impression, quality, purpose, holiday, journey, observation, arrival 1. Let’s try to concentrate on the main of this meeting. 2. Our lives have been revolutionized by the of the personal computer. 3. I’ve been impressed by the of his work. 4. Where are you going for your this year? 5. In hospital she’ll be under all the time. 6. The centre provides expert for people with financial problems. 7. Our parents wished us a safe as we drove away. 8. Perhaps there is a negative side to his that you haven’t seen yet. 9. As the of the proposal I cannot agree with you. 10. You’ll get a false of the town if you only visit the university. 