Đề kiểm tra Unit 11 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10

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  1. UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS I. Choose the word with the underlined letter pronounced different from the others. 1. A. nation B. tourist C. study D. return 2. A. world B. children C. grandfather D. dangerous 3. A. nature B. potential C. option D. pollution 4. A. handsome B. Wednesday C. dependent D. grandchild 5. A. castle B. fasten C. ballet D. intend 6. A. national B. question C. population D. station II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list. locate explore release establish orphan defeat abandon contaminate contain endanger 1. There is a danger of serious ___ from radioactive waste. 2. The giant panda is in danger of becoming extinct. It is an ___ species. 3. Cuc Phuong National Park is ___ 160 km South West of Ha Noi. 4. He wants ___ how the human brain will function under these circumstances. 5. He has been ___ since he was five. 6. The enemy was ___ in a decisive battle. 7. His mother ___ him when he was five days old. 8. The board agreed ___ two committees to examine the proposals. 9. Toxic gases from industrial factories were ___ into the atmosphere. 10. Brown rice ___ a lot of vitamins and minerals. III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. I didn't go into business with Sam. If I (go) ___ business with him, I (become) ___ a success (người thành công). 2. We got to the station in time to catch the train. If we (miss) ___ it, we (be) ___ late for the meeting. 3. Mary and I weren't able to go on a honeymoon. We (can/ go) ___ away if my father (not get) ___ sick. 4. I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad. It (be) ___ quicker if I (walk) ___ 5. It's good that you reminded me about Ann's birthday. I (forget) ___ if you (not remind) ___ me. 6. The view was wonderful. If I (have) ___ a camera, I (take) ___ some photographs. 7. Unfortunately, I didn't have my address book with me when I was in New York. If I (have) ___ your address, I (send) ___ you a postcard. 8. We (may/ be) ___ at the airport for hours, if we (not know) ___ that the flight was delayed. 9. The accident was your fault: If you (drive) ___ more carefully, it (not happen) ___ 10. If you (tell) ___ me you needed money, I (can/ lend) ___ you some. IV. Write a sentence with if for each situation. 1. He didn't prepare for the interview, so he didn't get the job. ___ 2. We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money. ___ 3. I can't take much exercise because I don't have enough free time. ___ 4. The house didn't burn down because the fire brigade came immediately. ___ 5. The men were wearing protective clothing, so they were all quite safe. ___ 6. People don't realise how important it is to conserve energy, so they do nothing about it. ___ 1
  2. 7. I took the job because I didn't know how difficult it was. ___ 8. My father didn't earn much money, so life wasn't easy for us. ___ 9. Daniel really wanted to buy the book, but he didn't have enough money. ___ 10. There isn't any truth in her allegations (sự viện lý), so I won't resign. ___ 11. Andrew wanted to ask Frank Sinatra for his autograph (bút tích, chữ ký), but he wasn't brave enough. ___ 12. I don't know anything about plumbing, so I can't fix the leak in the sink myself. ___ V. Read the following newspaper report and use a suitable form of each verb in brackets. Several cars were involved the pile-up (vụ tông xe) because no one (1- try) ___ to phone the police for help. If someone (2- call) ___ the police immediately, they (3- be) ___ able to send an ambulance and also direct the traffic, thus (4- prevent) ___ other accidents. A passer-by (5- tell) ___ the police that he (6- decide) ___ to free the trapped driver before (7- phone) ___ the police. He said that the trapped driver (8- beg) ___ him not to leave him. If he (9- go off) ___ to look for a phone or to seek help, the driver (11- be) ___ in the car when it (10- hit) ___ by the second car. VI. If necessary, correct these sentences. 1. If Jack had been honest, he would return the money. ___ 2. The video pauses if you press this button. ___ 3. If she would have really wanted to see me, she would have come earlier. ___ 4. If he doesn't break the window then who is responsible? ___ 5. If Claire will continue to work hard, she could pass the exams easily. ___ 6. Steve would have been attacked if I hadn't come along. ___ 7. I'd be able to visit Jim first thing in the morning if I stay in Manchester overnight. ___ 8. Speak to Jane if you wanted to book a room. ___ 9. If you know what it was going to be like, why did you come? ___ 10. You'd be surprised if I told you how much this cost. ___ 11. If I had suddenly announced that the holiday was cancelled, the children had objected. ___ 12. We might soon be making a profit if all will go according to plan. ___ VII. Choose the best answers to complete these conversations. 1. 'It's a pity the lake wasn't frozen yesterday.' 'Yes, it is. If it ___ froze we ___ skating. A. had been/ could have gone B. was/ could go C. would be/would have gone D. would have been/ had gone 2. 'Are you thinking about going to the Bahamas for the holidays?' 'No, but if I ___ the time, I would definitely ___. A. have/ go B. had/ go C. have had/ have gone D. would have/ have gone 3. 'There's always something going wrong with this car.' 'If you had any sense, you'd ___ it long ago.' A. be selling B. have sold C. sell D. sold (have sense: hiểu biết) 4. 'Was Pam seriously injured in the accident?' 'She broke her arm. It ___ much worse if she hadn't been wearing her seat belt. A. will be B. was C. would have been D. were 5. 'My boss made me work overtime again.' 'If I ___ you. I ___ my job.' (quit /quit /quit or quit/ quitted/ quitted) A. was/ must quit B. am/ will quit C. were/ would quit D. were/ would have quit 6. 'Can I borrow your car for this evening?' 'Sure, but Nora's using it right now. If she ___ it back in time, you ___ welcome to borrow it.' A. will bring/ are B. brings/ are C. brought/ will be D. would bring/ were 7. 'Why didn't Bill get the promotion he was expecting?' 2 'He may not be qualified. If he were, he ___ that promotion last year.'
  3. A. had been given B. was given C. would be given D. would have been given 8. 'Why aren’t you going mountain climbing next weekend?' 'To be honest with you, I'm lazy. If I ___, I ___ with you.' A. am not/ will go B. weren't/ go C. weren't/ would go D. hadn't been/ would have gone 9. 'Will you see Tom at lunch today? I'd like you to give him a message.' 'I'm not going to lunch, but if I ___ him later, I ___ him your message.' A. saw/ would give B. see/ give C. could see/ will give D. should see/ will give SHOULD: dùng sau if & in case hay với chủ ngữ & động từ đảo nhau, để gợi lên rằng một sự kiện khó có thể xảy ra. If you should change your mind, do let me know. (Nếu anh có thay đổi ý kiến thì cho tôi biết nhé.) Should anyone phone, please tell them I'm busy. (Nếu có ai điện thoại đến thì nói với họ rằng tôi bận.) 10. 'John went to the hospital alone.' 'Did he? If he ___ me, I ___ with him.' A. told/ would go B. told/ might have gone C. had told/ could go D. had told/ would have gone 11. 'My car broke down when I was leaving Detroit' '___, we'd ___ you up.' A. If we had known/ pick B. Had we known/ have picked C. If we'd known/ picked D. If we knew/ pick 12. 'I don't know whether to take that job or not.' '___ you, I ___ it.' A. If I had been/ would have taken B. Should I be/ will take C. If I were/ would take D. Were I/ would have taken 13. 'You look tired.' 'Well, if you ___ me up in middle of the night, I ___ so tired.' A. didn't wake/ wouldn't have been B. hadn't woken/ wouldn't be C. hadn't woken/ wouldn't have been D. don't wake, won't be 14. 'Alice is moving to her new apartment next Saturday.' 'I ___ glad to help her ___ some help.' A. will be/ should she need B. am/ if she will need C. must be/ if she needs D. would be/ had she needed 15. 'Why are you sitting in the dark?' 'If I ___ my electricity bill last month, I ___ in the dark now.' A. paid/ won't be B. paid/ wouldn't be C. had paid/ wouldn't be D. had paid/ wouldn't have been VIII. Choose the correct preposition. 1. Tourists go to Cuc Phuong National Park to look at / for the 1,000-year-old tree. 2. He left school to take care of / on his sick mother. 3. Do you belong in / to any campus clubs or organizations? 4. Now that she has graduated, Anne is no longer dependent to / upon her parents in / for financial support. 5. That man is an idiot. He pushed me down / into the swimming-pool. 6. Were you surprised at / with the grade you received? (surprised at / by) 7. Unfortunately, the excursion turned out / into to be a disaster. 8. Did you hear that news on / in television or read it on / in the newspaper? 9. Occupational physicians search on / for the causes of injury and sickness in the workplace. 10. Due on / to a computer error, $100,000 was transferred to / onto Judy's account. 11. They have to live in /. on a Social Security check of 5500 a month. (Social Security: phúc lợi xã hội) 12. I'm always interested in / on how to recognise the different.species of plants. IX. Read the passage careful, then choose True (T), False (F), or No Information (NI). The idea of national parks began in the US, which now has 54 of them, covering over 80,000 square-miles (200,000 square kilometers). The great majority are in western states. The National Park Service (cục, sở, ban, ngành) is responsible for protecting the natural state of the parks for the benefit of the public. America's parks are so popular that they are being harmed by the number of visitors and their cars. To try to stop this, the National Paris Service announced in 1997, that people would only be able to visit some parks using public transport. The oldest national park in the world is Yellowstone National Park, established in 1872. The largest US park is Wrangell-St Elias in Alaska with 13,000 square miles (34,000 square kilometers). It has few visitors because it is very remote. The most popular park is the Great Smoky Mountains. Many parks are well known for some special features, such as the Grand Canyon, the Everglades and the Petrified Forest. 3 T F NI 1. There are 54 national parks in the United States.
  4. 2. The surface area of the US is over 80,000 square miles. 3. In the US, most of the national parks are located in the west. 4. National parks attract thousands of visitors each year. 5. A lot of visitors come to America's national parks. 6. People are not allowed to drive in some parks. 7. Wrangell-St Elias in Alaska has few visitors because it's hard to find. 8. Yellowstone National Park is the first US national park. 9. Everglades National Park is a subtropical wilderness in the southeastern United States. 10. The natural state of the parks in the US is protected by the National Park Service. TEST FOR UNIT 11 I. MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A. nation B. cave C. locate D. park 2. A. explore B. tropical C. orphan D. transport 3. A. toxic B. tourist C. feature D. threaten 4. A. established B. orphaned C. recognized D. endangered 5. A. threaten B. ethnic C. together D. southeast 6. A. establish B. butterfly C. orphanage D. national 7. A. variety B. recognize C. contaminate D. abandoned 8. A. expensive B. tropical C. release D. survival 9. A. toxic B. ethnic C. explore D. threaten 10. A. polluted B. dangerous C. comfortable D. temperate (ôn hòa) 11. Of the six people in the plane when it crashed, only one existed / lived / hurt / survived. 12. The cattle drank from a river polluted with toxic chemicals. A. waste B. colorless C. odorless D. poisonous 13. The charity is totally dependent from / in / upon / with money from the public. 14. When the wastes are poured into the atmosphere, the air becomes contaminated and unpleasant to breathe. A. dense B. dirty C. upon D. with 15. They were sent to a local orphanage / hospital / park / prison right after their parents’ death. 16. Cuc Phuong National Park is lied / established / abandoned / located 160 km South West of Ha Noi. 17. Nearly 1,000 of the world's bird species are ___ with extinction. A. threatened B. endangered C. protected D. abandoned 18. Many people come to the national parks to see the work being done to protect endangered species. The phrase “endangered species” means plants or animals that ___. A. may be dangerous to people B. disappeared from the world C. are about to die D. may soon become extinct 19. Scientists are now researching new measures to prevent ___ levels from rising. A. pollute B. polluted C. polluting D. pollution 20. This park is the orphanage where lots of orphaned and abandoned animals are taken care of. A. looked after B. involved in C. dealt with D. moved in 21. If the world's tropical forests continue to disappear at their present rate, many animal species ___ extinct. A. became B. would become C. will become D. would have become 22. Had he not / Hadn't he / He had not / He not had resigned, we would have been forced to sack him. 23. I won't lend you this money in case / if / otherwise / unless you promise to pay it back. 24. If you ___ us about the bad service, we'd have eaten there. A. didn't tell B. had told C. hadn't told D. wouldn't have told 25. Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer. She ___ since she was four. A. has danced B. has been danced C. was danced D. has been dancing 26. The door was locked ___. A. five minutes ago by Ann B. with Ann five minutes ago C. by Ann five minutes ago D. in five minutes ago by Ann 27. It would have been a much more serious accident ___ fast at the time. A. if she drove B. was she driving C. she had driven D. had she been driving 4 28. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people ___ the same language? A. speak B. will speak C. spoke D. had spoken 29. The teacher was absent today, so class was canceled. If she ___ absent again tomorrow, class tomorrow
  5. ___, too. A. is/ will cancel B. was/ would cancel C. is/ will be canceled D. was/ would canceled 30. Hundreds of Species of Hawaiian flowers have become extinct or rare ___ extensive land development. A. now that B. due to C. because D. for 31. Marge's children are used to ___ after school every day. They don’t have to walk home. A. picking up B. being picked up C. be picked up D. pick up 32. You'll ___. A. be met by my uncle at. the airport B. meet .at the airport by my uncle C. being met by my uncle at the airport D. be met at the airport by my uncle 33. If I wasn't working for an accounting firm, I ___ in a bank. A. had worked B. will work C. would have worked D. would be working 34. If you ___ to my advice in the first place, you ___ in this mess right now. A. listen/ won't be B. listened/ wouldn't have been C. will listened/ wouldn't be D. had listened/ wouldn't be 35. 'Have you ever played bridge?' 'Yes, we ___ all the time when I was in college.' (bridge: bài brit) A. used to play B. had played C. have played D. would have played 36. The dentist told me to brush three times a day and don't eat candy. 37. Before the final decision is reached, the various possibilities should probably discussed by the whole team. 38. If we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop having lunch. 39. I've been studying French since I've started high school. 40. We could have given you a lift if we'd know you were coming this way. 41. The car would survive the tornado, had it been parked on the other side of the road. 42. Virgin Island National Park features an underwater preserve with coral reefs and colorfully tropical fish. 43. Among other reasons, the Humane Society established to shelter animals, educate animal owners, and influence legislation regarding the protection of animals. 44. The oceans contain many forms of life that has not yet been discovered. 45. If Nick hadn't come along, I don't know what would happen. 46. Were it not for the money, this job wouldn't be worthwhile. A. This job is not rewarding at all. B. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money. C. This job offers a poor salary. D. Although the salary is poor, the job is worthwhile. 47. If we don't protect wildlife now, there will be nothing left for future generations. A. Wildlife is being protected now in case there will be nothing left future generations. B. There will be nothing left for the future generations unless we protect wildlife. C. Only if we protect wildlife, there will be nothing left for the future generations D. It's important to protect wildlife now or there will be nothing left for the future generations. 48. If we had left any later, we would have missed the train. A. We left too late to catch the train. B. When we arrived, the train had already left. C. We almost missed the train. D. We missed the train because it was late. 49. 'Why don't we go to Nam Cat Tien National Park?' he said. A. He asked why we didn't go to Nam Cat Tien National Park. B. He offered to go to Nam Cat Tien National Park. C. He suggested going to Nam Cat Tien National. Park. D. He advised us to go to Nam Cat Tien National Park. 50. We are planning on spending the weekend in the country as long as weather stays fine. A. We are spending the weekend in the country because of the fine weather. B. If the weather is fine, we'll spend our weekend in the country. C. If the weather was fine, we would spend our weekend in the country. D. We won't spend the weekend in the country unless the weather is fine. 51. I didn't have an umbrella with me, so I got wet. A. If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn't get wet. B. If I had an umbrella, I wouldn't get wet. 5 C. If I’d had an umbrella, I wouldn't have got wet. D. If I have an umbrella, I won't get wet. II. SPEAKING: Choose the appropriate sentence to complete this conversation. Daniel: (1) ___
  6. Rachel: This looks all right. (2) ___ A. Will you have one? Emma: Oh, I've forgotten the sausages. They're in the car. Matthew: (3) ___ B. Shall I get them? Emma: Oh thanks, Matthew. C. I'd love to, but I'm still full. Vicky: (4) ___ It looks nicer over there. D. Where should we have our picnic, then? Rachel: No, it's fine here. E. Would anyone like one? Daniel: Yes, (5) ___ F. Let's sit here. Emma: Would you like a sandwich, Vicky? Vicky: (6) ___ G. It's better here, I think Emma: (7) ___ H. We could sit by those trees. Matthew: And here are the sausages. (8) ___ III. READING COMPREHENSION In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national parks, varying considerably in landscape and mood. Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country. Everglades National Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida is a huge subtropical swamp, which provides refuge for such unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds, including the graceful pink flamingo. In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the West. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado. for example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which 'flourished in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Today, tourists can wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock. refuge: nơi trú ẩn awesome: đáng sợ dwelling: chỗ ở carve out: đục, khoét, xẻo 1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The large number of national parks. B. National parks as a wildlife refuge. C. The diversity of the national parks. D. The differences between Mesa Verde National Park and the Everglades. 2. National parks in the US ___. A. are a lost different from each other B. change a lot in landscape and mood C. are made more interesting D. are completely different from other parks in the world 3. Everglades National Park is ___. A. in the south of the United States B. home to alligators and many varieties of birds C. an area of land that is full of water D. All are correct 4. The word 'which' in line 6 refers to Mesa Verde National Park / ruins / Indian / civilization. 5. Which of the following statements is false? A. Every national park in the US has its special features. B. Everglades Park has a cold climate. C. The ruins of an Indian civilization are being, preserved. D. Some of the dwellings in Mesa Verde are accessible only by ladder. TEST YOURSELF D 1. Which word is. stressed on the 1st syllable? A. conserve B. organism C. interact D. erosion 2. Which word is stressed on the 2nd syllable? A. biodiversity B. national C. orphanage D. survival 3. Which has the final pronounced [id]? A. eliminated B. established C. conserved D. threatened 4. A. pair B. rain C. afraid D. straight 5. A. protect B. camping C. cupboard D. people 6. New laws have been passed to establish / conserve / produce / endanger wildlife in this area. 7. They were seeking a solution to the destroy / destroying / destroyer / destruction of the rain forests. 8. Although he didn't have a ticket, Ken could / can / might / was allowed to come in. 9. Nearly 1,000 of the world's bird species are threatened with ___. A. appearance B. protection C. extinction D. destruction 10. We really ought to make a start on campaigns to ___ our polluted rivers and seas. A. clean up B. clear away C. wipe out D. tidy up 6 11. He came running ___ the room and threw his books ___ the floor. A. into/ at B. in/ to C. to/ on D. into/ onto
  7. 12. Rare species of plants or ___ can be found in this region. A. fauna B. flora C. flowers D. vegetation vegetation: plants in general, esp. the plants that are found in a particular area or environment flora: (technical) the plants of a particular area, type of environment or period of time 13. The hydroelectric plant (factory) provides electricity for half the island's population. A. using hydrogen to produce electricity B. using radiating (bức xạ) energy to produce electricity C. using water power to produce electricity D. using tidal power to produce electricity 14. The water is so contaminated that it is not suitable for drinking. A. toxic B. salty C. dangerous D. polluted 15. Without plants, most water would run out / run off / run of / run away as soon as it falls. 16. If Al had come sooner, he ___ dinner with us. A. could eat B. was eating C. would being eaten D. could have eaten 17. 'Are you still employed at the bank?' 'Yes, I ___ there since 1999. A. have working B. worked C. have been working D. had been working 18. Orlando, a city in Florida, ___ for its main attraction – Disney. A. well-known B. is well-known C. which is well-known D. which well-known 19. 'What's wrong with your stereo?' `The needle needs to replace / replacing / to be replace / replace. 20. All the students ___ do well in writing. A. whom Mr. Davis teaches them B. which Mr. Davis teaches C. that Mr. David teaches them D. Mr. Davis teaches 21. The world will be / was / should be / might be a better place if we had known a hundred years what we know today about the earth's environment. 22. If water is heated to 212 degrees F ___ as steam. A. it can boil and escape B. it is boiled and escaped C. it boils and escapes D. it would boil and escape 23. ___ resigned, we would have been forced to sack him. A. Had he not B. Hadn't he C. He had not D. If he had 24. ___ television to the exclusion of all other activities is not a healthy habit for a growing child. A. Watching B. Being watched C. To be watched D. Watch 25. It's against the law to kill the black rhinoceros. They ___ extinct. A. became B. have become C. become D. are becoming 26. Scientists suggest that only one percent of the world’s extinct animals and plants has identified. 27. Some underground water is enough safe to drink, but all surface water must be treated. 28. Because the expense of traditional fuels and the concern that they might run out many countries have been investigating alternative sources of power. 29. Would you mind bringing your camera in the graduation party tomorrow? 30. Biochemists have solved many of the mysteries about photosynthesis (sự quang hợp), the process which plants make food. 31. Many people who live near the ocean depend on it as a source of food, recreation, and to have economic opportunities. 32. Geothermal energy is energy to obtain by using heat from the Earth's interior. 7 33. Most types of dolphins will live at least twenty-five years, and some species may reach 50 years of age.
  8. Rainforests circle the globe for twenty degrees of latitude (vĩ độ) on both sides the equator (xích đạo). In that relatively narrow band of the planet, more than half of all the species of plants and animals in the world make their home. Seven hundred different varieties of trees may grow in a single acre, and just one of those trees may be the habitat for more than ten thousands kinds of spiders, ants, and other insects. More species of amphibians (lưỡng cư), birds, insects, mammals and reptiles (bò sát) live in rainforests than anywhere else on earth. Unfortunately, half of the world's rainforests have already been destroyed and at the current rate, another 25 percent will be lost by the year 2020. Scientists estimate that as many as fifty million acres are destroyed annually. In other words, every sixty seconds, one hundred acres of rainforest is cleared. When this happens, constant rains erode the former forest floor, thin layer of soil no longer supports plant life, and the ecology of the region is altered forever. Thousands of species of plants and animals are condemned to (buộc phải) extinction and since we aren't able to predict the ramifications (sự phức tạp) of this loss to a delicate global ecology, we don't know what we may be doing to the future of the human species as well. 46. What is the point of view that the author expresses in this passage? => The author believes that ___. A. the rainforest will survive B. preserving the rainforest is important to global ecology C. he can predict the future of global ecology D. the extinction of species is a natural process 47. According to the passage, more than half of all the species of plants and animals live in ___. A. twenty rainforests B. several hundred different varieties of trees C. a forty-degree band of latitude D. areas where the rainforest has been cleared 48. How many of the worlds rainforests are projected (tiên đoán) to be destroyed by the year 2020 if the current rate continues? => All / Three-quarters / Half / One-quarter of them will be gone. 49. The word 'this' in line 8 refers to ___. A. the destruction of the acres B. the reading of the passage C. the erosion of the forest floor D. the constant rains 50. What will NOT happen if the rainforest continues to be cleared? A. The land will be eroded by the rains. B. Many species of plants and animals that depend on the rainforest will become extinct. C. The future of the human species may be changed. D. The rainforest will grow, but at a much slower rate. 8