Đề kiểm tra Unit 7, 8 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Trường THCS Tây Sơn

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  1. TEST FOR UNITS 7 + 8 I. Circle the correct answer. 1. Don’t put too much bacon in the dish. A pinch/slice is enough. 2. To make this soup, you need two slices/sticks of celery. 3. There isn’t some/any butter in the fridge. We should go to the supermarket to buy some/any. 4. Can you go to the convenience store and buy me a tin/bag of rice? 5. Slice a clove/loaf of garlic, then add some honey. 6. Look! This bunch/cup of grapes is so fresh. II. Match the words 1-8 with their descriptions or definitions a-h 1.garnish a. drop a few pieces or drops of something over a surface 2.versatile b. put something quickly into a sauce and take it out again 3.purée c. pour a mixture, usually containing oil, wine or vinegar and herbs and 4.dip spices, over meat or fish before it is cooked to add flavour or make it tender 5.sprinkle d. decorate a dish of food with a small amount of another food 6.marinate e. having many different uses 7.whisk f. remove the outer layer of food 8.peel g. make fruit or vegetables into a thick, smooth sauce, usually in a blender h. beat eggs, cream, etc., to add air and make the food light III. Match each word/ phrase with its definition trip travel expedition resort tour tour guide 1. A journey, usually for pleasure, to visit different places: 2. A place where a lot of people go on holiday: 3. The act or activity of moving from one place to another: 4. A person who shows tourists around: . . 5. A short journey to a place, especially one for pleasure: . 6. An organised journey to a place that is not easy to reach: . IV. Use the words below to complete the compound nouns that match the definitions. lag in season over back stop 1. A feeling of tiredness and confusion about time after a long plane journey: jet 2. A disadvantage or problem that makes something a less attractive idea: draw 3. A short stay somewhere between two parts of a journey: stop 4. A popular time of the year for holidays: peak 5. The place where you go first when you arrive at an airport, to show your ticket: check- 6. A place at the side of a road marked with a sign, where buses stop: bus . V. Complete the sentences using the compound nouns below. swimming pool touchdown checkout pile-up mix-up full board 1. The time is 12 noon at this hotel. 2. Let’s make sure that we stay at a hotel with a . 3. There was a with our tickets – we were charged for one-way tickets and not a round trip. 4. The motorway was blocked because there had been a 5. After . ., please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a standstill outside the terminal building. 6. At the hotel, you can choose between bed and breakfast, and .
  2. VI. Form compound nouns from the following words, then fill the gaps to complete the sentences holiday out jet offs check sunglasses over take maker stop lag 1. Travellers who cross the Atlantic from New York to London often suffer from . for a few days. 2. We would like to remind all guests that . is at noon. 3. We didn’t fly directly to Australia – we had a one-night in Singapore. 4. It is irritating that some movie stars wear their . even in church. 5. Someone who is away from home on holiday is a 6. Because of the bad weather, there were no from the airport this morning. VII. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the modals verb in brackets 1. If you keep eating fast food, . (might) 2. If you promise to finish your homework tonight, . (can) 3 . if he doesn’t want to have toothache. (should) 4 . . if she wants to lose weight. (must) 5. If you join this cooking lesson, (can) VIII. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences using a, an, the or zero article 1. My aunt and uncle love sun! They stay in UK in summer and visit friends in Australia in winter. → . 2. Not much is known about how brain works. → . 3. Bicycle is among the most efficient machines invented by man. → 4. They plan to launch expedition into interior of Australia. → . 5. If you want to go on long trip, you should prepare properly for it. → 6. I’m very interested in the history, especially history of Asian countries. → . IX. Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning, using the words in CAPITALS 1. The journey was terrible. (WHAT) 2. Our hotel was lovely – it was by the sea. (STAYED) 3. I watched an interesting programme on TV yesterday. (THE) 4. The guitar my friend has just bought is old (AN) 5. She needs to travel to Kyoto on business. (TRIP) 6. My sister studies at university.(A) . X. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the passage Welcome to wonderful Dana Tours! Come to us and you are sure to find the (1. WIDE) range of holidays! You can pamper yourself at the five-star Vinland Hotel in a well- (2.KNOW) seaside resort, where the facilities are second to none. If you prefer a more active holiday, you can cruise around the island in a canoe, go diving to see the (3. WONDER) . . coral reef, or go trekking to admire the spectacular scenery. (4. ALTERNATE) , you
  3. might prefer to take a self-catering apartment in one of the (5. PICTURE) fishing villages. There you can sample the authentic local cuisine, with its famous seafood (6. SPECIAL) . .and choose from a variety of excursions to places of cultural and (7.ARCHAEOLOGY) .interest. Our prices are inclusive of all flights and (8. ACCOMMODATE) , and represent excellent value. Book now, before it’s too late! XI. Complete the second sentence using the words given so that it has the same meaning as the first one. Write no more than five words in each gap 1. I have visited the Stone Forest once before. (SECOND) This is the the Stone Forest. 2. I find it hard to go at the same speed as my brother on walking holidays. (UP) I find it hard to my brother on walking holidays. 3. Dzung is very fond of travelling and has been everywhere. (KEEN) Dzung is and has been everywhere. 4. We drove away as fast as we could, ready to begin our adventure. ( FULL) We drove away , ready to begin our adventure. 6. The information I got from the travel agent was very confusing and I didn't know what was going on. (GAVE) The travel agent and I didn't know what was going on. 7. We arrived in Budapest two days ago. (FOR) We . two days. 8. We waste water. We don't have enough to drink sooner or later. (If) - 9.Their house was beautiful - it was on the other side of the river. (STAYED) - . . 10. If you do this test carefully, . 11. You go to work late so you lose your job . - If 12. He doesn’t get good marks because he is lazy. - If he 13. Lan plays volleyball badly. - Lan is . 14-My brother cycles slowly. - My brother is XII. Read an article about Japanese eating habits. Match the heading (1-3) with the paragraph and answer the questions 1. The art of arranging dishes 2. The habit of having raw food and simple sauces 3. Components in a typical Japanese meal Japanese people are famous for their well-balanced and healthy diet. That is the main reason for their longevity. A. Typically, a Japanese meal consists of rice, miso soup, the main dish(es) and pickles. Rice is the staple and plays a central part in people’s eating habits. Japanese rice is sticky and nutritious, so when combined with the main dishes and the soup, they make a complete meal. The portions of each dish are individually served. B. . The most important characteristic of their eating habits is they like raw food and do not use sauces with a strong flavour. Two typical examples are sashimi and sushi. The Japanese make sashimi simply by cutting fresh fish. Then they serve it with a dipping sauce made from soy sauce and spicy Japanese horseradish (wasabi). Sushi is similar. The cooked, vinegared rice can be
  4. combined with raw fish, prawn, avocado, cucumber or egg. Sushi is usually served with soy sauce and pickled ginger. C. It is said that the Japanese eat with their eyes. Therefore, the arrangement of dishes is another significant feature of their eating habits. If you join a Japanese meal, you may be excited to see how the colourful dishes are arranged according to a traditional pattern. In addition, there are plates and bowls of different sizes and designs. They are carefully presented to match the food they carry. * Questions 1. What is the most important feature of Japanese eating habits? 2. How do they make sashimi? 3. What sauce can both sashimi and sushi be served with? 4. How many components are there in a typical Japanese meal? 5. How is rice important in Japanese meals? 6. Why do people say that the Japanese eat with their eyes? XIII. Supply the correct verb form. 1. Yesterday when you (phone) , I (work) in my garden. 2. If she comes before six, she (meet) her friends. 3. Look! It’s cloudy. It (rain) . 4. I suggest (organize) .a show to raise money. 5. Kangaroo can (see) everywhere in Australia. 6. A new textbook (publish) next year. 7. If the climate (change) , we (meet) .with natural disasters. 8. Listen! Someone (knock) .on the front door. 9. I look forward to (hear) from you and (see) good response from your company. 10. My brother ( teach ) at this school since 1997. 11. If Ha ( not be) careful, she will drop the cup. 12.These students (learn) English since they (be) six. 13. The water (boil) Could you turn off the fire? 14. If she comes before six, she (meet) her friends. 15. If she (study ) hard, she will pass the exam. THE END