Đề kiểm tra Unit 9 đến 15 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Trường THPT Trần Phú

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  1. TEST OF UNIT 9 PRONUNCIATION: Write the words which contain the sound / eə / in column A and those which contain the sound / uə / in column B and the others which contain the sound / iə / in column C. iə uə eə 1. bear 2. here 3. air 4. tour 5. sure 6. where 7. pour 8. idea 9. care 10. ear Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. 1. Scientists have made many important new ___ of the depth by using modern devices. (discover) 2. Community police have made a very positive ___ to crime prevention. (contribute) 3. They are investigating the ___ disappearance of a young woman. (mystery) 4. By the age of eighteen he was completely ___ of his parents. (depend) 5. The ___ of the seabed is being carried out. (investigate) Choose appropriate words from the box and use them to complete the definitions below. You may use some words more than once. ocean oceans island sea jellyfish whales 1. An ___ is a very large area of salt water. The Pacific and the Atlantic are ___. 2. An ___ is an area of land with water all around it. 3. The ___ is a large body of salt water. A sea is smaller than an ___. 4. A ___ is an animal that lives in the ocean. Jellyfish have soft bodies. 5. ___ are carnivores, which means they eat meats. Complete these sentences with should/ shouldn’t + infinitive using one of these verbs: play, stay, take, break, tell. 1. Those boys ___ football on the street. It’s very dangerous. 2. She ___ in bed all day unless she’s ill. 3. You’ll catch cold if you go out like that. I think you ___ a hat. 4. People ___ their promises. 5. You ___ him about this. It’s a secret. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. 1. If my grandmother ___(be) still alive, he would be hundred today. 2. I ___ (offer) you to give you a lift if I had my car here. 3. I ___ (not mind) living in England if the weather ___ (be) better. 4. If Mr. Morgan ___ (be) still head teacher, he ___ (not permit) such bad behaviour. 5. Where ___ (you/ choose) if you could live anywhere in the world? Rewrite the following sentences using conditional sentence type 2. 1. Alan always overeats at lunch because he never eats breakfast. ___ 2. I don’t know enough about the machine, so I can’t mend it myself. ___ 1
  2. 3. Nick can’t find the way because he hasn’t got a map. ___ 4. The wind is blowing hard, so I won’t take the boat out for a ride. ___ 5. We don’t visit our parents very often because they live so far away. ___ Give advice to the following people. Use I think should or I don’t think should and one of these phrase in the box. work so hard go to work go to the dentist tell them to buy fruit take them back to the shop 1. Peter’s got a very bad cold. ___ 2. One of my teeth is lost. ___ 3. My shoes have got a hole in them. I only bought them yesterday! ___ 4. My children spend all their pocket money on sweets. ___ 5. I’m always tired because I’ve been working very hard. ___ TEST OF UNIT 10 Practise reading the words which contain the sounds /sl/, /sm/, /sn/, and / sw/ and then write them in the right columns below snow smell slowly smith slim smoke sleep swim snowy smile switch swallow snore sneeze snack 1. / sl / : 2. / sm/ : 3. /sn/ : 4. / sw/ : Use words in the box to fill the blanks in the sentences quickly destroy exist established provided save ban decreased resource 5. Many organizations have been and funds have been raised 6. The number of rare animals is decreasing 7.Tropical forests have us with many sorts of plants for food, medicine and industry. 8. Laws have been introduced to the killing of endangered animals. 9. Hunting for meat and burning forests for soils wildlife. 10. Human beings can . without water and air. 2
  3. 11. During a long drought, farmers had to find ways to . their crops. Turn these sentences into the passive voice 12. The teacher corrects our exercises at home. 13. Ali’s absence worried his mother. 14. They are building several new schools in our town. 15. We have made great progress in industry, science and medicine. 16. Sam killed a lion last week. 17. You must hand in your report before the end of this month. 18. No one has opened that box for the past hundred years. 19. Are you going to mail these letters soon? 20. He should have finished the report yesterday. 21. They say that he is the richest man in our town. 22. She fell into water because somebody pushed her. 23. It is time they bring the cows in. 24. What questions did the examiner set? 25. Somebody must do something for these poor men. 26. Nobody has answered my question properly. 27 Somebody has brought this child up badly. 28. The teacher promised Jane a prize if she worked well. 29. Teachers should make lessons more interesting for school children. 30. We shall lock the house up for summer and the old gardener will look after it. 31. People say tortoises live longer than elephants. 32. One cannot eat an orange if nobody has peeled it. 33. Don’t let the others see you. 34. Did anybody ever teach you how to behave? 35. It surprised me to hear someone had robbed you. Make sentences with the words given 36. The prices of the services/ reasonable/ every pockets -> 37. The Royal National Park/ New South Wales, Australia 3
  4. -> 38. Sir John Robertson/ find/ the Park/ 1879 -> . 39. The park/ one/ America’s greatest/ wildness areas -> 40. yesterday/ I/ go/ Thanh Ba Post Office/ send some money/ brother -> TEST OF UNIT 11 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. locate establish orphan abandon contaminate explore release defeat contain endanger 1. There is a danger of serious from radioactive waste. 2. The giant panda is in danger of becoming extinct. It is an species. 3. Cuc Phuong National Park is 60 km South West of Ha Noi. 4. He wants to . how the human brain will function under these circumstances. 5. He has been since he was five. 6. The enemy was . in a decisive battle. 7. He was when he was five days old. 8. The board agreed to two committees to examine the proposals. 9. Toxic gases from industrial factories are into the atmosphere. 10. Brown rice . _a lot of vitamins and minerals. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I didn't go into business with Sam. If I (go) into business with him, I (become) a success. 2. We got to the station in time to catch the train. If we (miss) it, we (be) late for the meeting. 3. Mary and I weren't able to go on a honeymoon. We (can/ go) away if my father .(not get) sick. 4. I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad. It could have been quicker if I (walk). 5. It's good that you reminded me about Ann's birthday. I .(forget) if you hadn’t reminded me. 6. The view was wonderful. If I (have) a camera, I (take) some photographs. 7. Unfortunately, I didn't have my address book with me when I was in New York. I had had your address, I (send) you a postcard. 8. We (be) at the airport for hours, if we . (not know) that the flight was delayed. 9.The accident was your fault. If you had driven more carefully, it (not happen). 10. If you .(tell) me you needed money, I could have lent you some. 11. If he . (be) with us now, he . (enjoy) the beauty of nature of the National Park. 12. Can you imagine what (happen) if everyone . (fly)? 13. If Peter (leave) . for work early, he could have caught the bus. 14. If I (check) . my car before the drive, I (not get) the problem of out of petrol. 15. They would have enlarged the farm if they (have) enough money. Rewrite these following sentences, using Conditional sentence type 3. 1. He didn't prepare for the interview, so he didn't get the job. 2. We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money. 3. I can't take much exercise because I don't have enough free time. 4. The house didn't burn down because the fire brigade came immediately. 5. The men were wearing protective clothing, so they were all quite safe. 6. Tom didn’t come, so we cancelled the meeting. 7. I took the job because I didn't know how difficult it was. 8. My father didn't earn much money, so life wasn't easy for us. 4
  5. 9. Daniel really wanted to buy the book, but he didn't have enough money. 10. Andrew wanted to ask Frank Sinatra for his autograph, but he wasn't brave enough. 11. She didn’t say sorry, so he was angry. 12. They didn’t pass the examination , their parents were very sad. 13. It rained last night , so I didn’t go to the cinema. 14. The weather was not very nice, so we didn’t go camping. 15. The computer broke down and I had to stop my work. TEST OF UNIT 12 Complete these sentences with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses. 1. World Cup, the ___ football tournament is held every four years. (nation) 2. Football is considered the most ___ sporting event in the world. (popularity) 3. There are 22 ___ in each football team. (play) 4. Long was selected to play in the ___ football team last week. (profession) 5. The World Cup is followed with great ___ around the globe. (interesting) 6. He was in ___ with ten others, so he did well to win the race. (compete) 7. Manchester players have been trying to score another goal but their efforts are___. (succeed) 8. All competitors take part in the Olympic Games in the spirit of___. (sportsman) 9. My brother is fond of doing ___ research. (science) 10. She hits the ball with great ___. (accurate) Write the sound for the underlined letters in the following words. 1. cup 8. kick 15. record 2. city 9. goal 16. world 3. victory 10. gene 17. tournament 4. cancer 11. champion 18. founded 5. region 12. character 19. defeat 6. governing 13. runner 20. great 7. knock 14. stadium Make questions for the underlined parts of the following statements. 1- Every day I go to school by bicycle. → ___? 2- Our teacher lives in a small house in this town. → ___? 3- The police will come here in ten minutes. → ___? 4- The farmers are working in the field now. → ___? 5- She went to market to buy some bread. → ___? 6- The boy was glad because he was given presents. → ___? 7- This hand bag belongs to my friend. → ___? 8- We have 3 English classes every week. → ___? 9- There are 5 members in my family. → ___? 5
  6. 10- It often takes him 15 minutes to go to his office. → ___? Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. 1. Mary listens to classical music. She wants to feel relaxed. → ___ 2. Peter practices speaking English. He wants to pass the oral test. → ___ 3. My mother goes to the grocery. She needs some meat. → ___ 4. I took my umbrella. I didn't want to get wet. → ___ 5. My parents save a lot of money. They intend to buy a new house. → ___ 6. John telephoned me . He invited me to his birthday party. → ___ 7. My grandfather does the morning exercises. This makes him stronger. → ___ 8. He didn't have enough money. He couldn't buy a new motorbike. → ___ 9. I try to do my best. I don't want to make any mistake. → ___ 10. I closed the door because I didn't want to be disturbed. → ___ TEST OF UNIT 13 Fill in each blank with a suitable form of the words given in the box. interest entertain audience cartoon documentary act prefer silence scene characteristic 1. A person who performs in films is a/an ___. 2. The people who watch a film are called ___. 3. A movie in which voices and other sounds are not heard is a/ an ___film. 4. ___is a person in a film. 5. ___is a part of a film. 6. Cinema is one of the most popular forms of___. 7. She ___action films to cartoons because they are thrilling and exciting. 8. What___ do you like best? Do you like Tom and Jerry? 9. A ___presents factual events or circumstances of a social, political or historical nature. 10. You are not ___in action films, aren’t you? Rewrite the following sentences: 1. He didn’t come home until 10 p.m. - It was not until ___. 2. She didn’t begin to work until she was 20. - It was not until___. 3. I didn’t study French until I was in grade 6. - It was not until___. 4. The child couldn’t walk until he was 2 years old. 6
  7. - It was not until___. 5. Lan wasn’t free until 3.00 p.m. in the afternoon. - It was not until___. 6. The movie was interesting. - We were___. 7. The story was boring. - I was ___. 8. Astronomy is one of Tan’s main interests. - Tan finds___ 9. The weather is depressing. - The weather makes___ 10. The novel was disappointing. - They were___ Put the words into the right column of pronunciation of the underlined part /f/ /v/ 1. comfortable 2. village 3. enough 4. laugh 5. November 6. football 7. leaving 8. Stephen 9. office 10. lovely Give the correct forms of participles of verbs in parentheses: 1. It’s quite an (excite) ___ game. 2. He is very (interest) ___ in my story. 3. His face looks very (please) ___ 4. You can easily find his house because of its (distinguish) ___construction. 5. Her party was pretty (bore) ___. 6. I went home early because I felt (bore) ___. 7. He seems quite (satisfy) ___with his new job. 8. He had a (please) ___look on his face. 9. When I read it, I felt (excite) ___. 10. His views on politics were rather (surprise) ___. TEST OF UNIT 14 Arrange these words into two rows of sounds /g/ and /k/ according character cake vague game glass scholar school scar ghost gain leg organize chorus group cook mechanic gnat bag /g/ /k/ 7
  8. Arrange these words into three rows of stress: first stress (1), second stress (2), or third stress (3) volunteer event promote series hero compete postpone attract defeat honour football Vietnamese between final captain nation friendly introduce involve (1) (2) (3) Complete these sentences with the appropriate words in the box witness rules tournament victory spectator competition trophy scored professional stadium result defeated hosted participated 1. With the victory over Germany in the final match, Brazil became the first team to win the five times. 2. The loser will be out of the . 3. How many countries in the first World Cup? 4. I think the final was 3 – 1. 5. Over 25,000 fans applauded both teams off the . 6. The 2006 World Cup was by Germany. 7. Visconti one goal himself and made two for Lupo. 8. She brought to her country as an Olympic medal winner. 9. Brazil Uruguay 2 – 1, so they are in the semi – final. 10. Maradona is a/an football player. 11. Because both teams came from the same town, the stadium was packed with . 12. The children did not know the by which the game was played. 13. Three firms are in for the same contract. Complete the sentences with “will” or “be going to” 1. Don’t worry about your exam. I’m sure you (pass) . 2. There are a lot of dark clouds in the sky. It (rain) . 3. I’ve bought Mary a present. Do you think she (like) it. 4. Goodbye. I expect we (meet) again before long. 5. John’s university course begins in October. He (study) engineering. 6. I’ve invited Sue to the party but I don’t think she (come) . 7. Look out! The tree (fall). 8. I’m hungry. I (eat) this sandwich 9. It’s my sister’s birthday next week. We (give) her a present. 10. Why don’t you try on this jacket? It (look) nice on you. Use the verbs in brackets with “will” or “be going to” Anita: What about your plans, Carlo? (1. you return) home after the exam? Carlo: I expect I (2. go) back home at some time in the future, but first I (3. spend) six months in the USA 8
  9. Anita: Oh, that (4. be) interesting Carlo: I’ve got a job. I (5. work) for a chemical company in Boston. I’m looking forward to it. I’m sure it (6. be) good experience. Anita: I don’t know what I (7. do). At the moment I’m trying to revise for the exams. But I don’t know enough. I (8. fail). Carlo: I’m sure you (9. not fail). TEST OF UNIT 16 Put /z / or /ʃ/ before the words pronounced as /z / or /ʃ/ . 1. ___ television, closure, usual. 2. ___ machine, musician, special. 3. ___ illustration, shop, match. 4. ___ Asia, decision, leisure. 5. ___ pleasure, garage, vision. 6. ___ information, finish, essential. 7. ___ measure, message, occasion. 8. ___ sure, ocean, washing. 9. ___ admission, English, Swedish. 10.___ seizure, size, massage. Use the superlative or comparative form of the words in brackets. 11. The factory uses___ production methods. (modern) 12. That film was___ film I've ever seen. (boring) 13. Is your house much ___ ? (far) 14. The telephone is one of___ inventions ever. (useful) 15. Your driving is ___ than mine. (bad) 16. They've got a lot of money. They're___ club in the country. (rich) 17. Who is___ student in the class? (clever) 18. Trevor spends ___ on clothes than Laura does. (less) 19. His English is ___ than mine. (good) 20. A car is ___ than a bicycle. (expensive) Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses. 21. What makes you want to become a in the future ? (science) 22. Researchers have recently made some important new (discover) 23. He wants to his knowledge of the subject. (wide) 24. The color red is commonly a .of danger. (represent) 25. Quoc Tu Giam was in 1076. (establish) 26. Most of the buildings are in an excellent state of (preserve) 27. We should protect the giant panda, which is an species. (danger) 28. What do you know about Hue songs? (tradition) 29. John Lennon is one of my favorite (music) 30. Music adds to the atmosphere of festivals. (joy) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. 31. This cellphone is not as expensive as that cellphone. That cellphone is 32. No houses in Hoi An are as old as the Tan Ky House. The 33. The table and the desk are the same size. The table 34. I've never read a more romantic story. It’s 9
  10. 35. Jeanny is the tallest girl in her class. No one 36. The sword is not so mighty as the pen. The pen 37. The orange building is not as high as the blue one. The blue 38. The dress is cheaper than the skirt. The skirt 39. I'm not as fit as you. You’re 40. This train is more convenient than all the others. This train 10