Đề ôn kiểm tra học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THPT Trần Phú

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  1. REVISION (First-semester 2018-2019) Form 10 I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence or do the task as directed. Choose the word which has the stress pattern different from that of the others. 1.A. personalB. unpleasantC. physicalD. confident 2.A. complainB. practiceC. arriveD. receive 3.A. easyB. openC. effortD. divide 4.A. achievementB. informationC. educationD. stimulation 5.A. achievementB. engineer C. equipmentD. important 6.A. educationB. demonstrationC. information D. technology 7.A. interview B. personal C. computer D. newspaper 8.A. suffer B. subtract C. succeed D. suggest 9.A. importantlyB. impossibleC. intelligentD. information Choose the synonym of the underlined word in the sentence. 10. Working in groups helps students share opinions on the problem. A. getB. participate inC. talkD. exchange 11. In summer, when the weather is hot, these parks are crowded in the evening. A. very noisyB. very coolC. looking beautiful D. having lots of people 12. Computer models help to determine whether a particular area is likely to flood. A. make up B. take over C. put up D. find out 13. The children in that school are mentally retarded. A. mentally developed than normalB. visually developed than normal C. less visually developed than normalD. less mentally developed than normal 14.A. cousinB. houseC. mouseD. mountain 15.A. stopsB. likesC. bansD. hats 16. A. campB. happenC. shareD. bag 17. A. makeB. talkC. famousD. labour 18. A. createB. read ingC. peaceD. please 19. A. honourB. honestC. hourD. house 20. A. partB. park C. spareD. card 21. A. mouseB. touch C. aroundD. sound 22. A. show B. allow C. harrow D. narrow 23. A. cartoonB. moon C. flood D. smooth 24. A. boredB. moreC. hopeD. story 25. A. greatB. featureC. readingD. seat 26. We stopped buying a newspaper on the way home. => to buy 27. That box is too heavy for one person to carry; let me helping you. => help 28. My brother was given a beautiful watch when he had retired in 1999. => retired 29. It was a five-weeks course, so it was very intensive. => five-week 30. James and Tom plays tennis with Mary and me every afternoon. => play 31. If the weather were good, we will go for a jog with our neighbors. => is 32. She used to get up early prepare breakfast for her family. => to prepare 33. Unless we work harder, we will finish our plan on time. => won’t finish 34. My father went fishing after he has finished his work. => had finished 35. Tom was made solve this problem alone at the last meeting. => to solve 36. I had to make a ___ about what to do with my money. A. decision B. decisiveC. decideD. decided 37. ___ children tend to have difficulty in learning and developing skills. A. Mental-retard B. Retarded-mentallyC. Mental-retardedD. Mentally-retarded 38. New technology can even help ___ break through their dark world. A. the deafB. blindC. the blind D. deaf 39. We are in regular ___ with each other by telephone or letter. A. communicatedB. communicativeC. communicateD. communication 40. He pointed to number 6 and said “That’s the house she lives ___.” A. thereB. atC. hereD. in 41. The students went ___ near the seaside last week and they all seemed to enjoy it very much. A. campsiteB. campfire C. camping D. camp 42. Your sister needs to practise hard to win the ___. A. competition B. competeC. competitiveD. competitor 43. Mary never seems to be ___ with what she does. A. satisfaction B. satisfied C. satisfyingD. satisfactory
  2. 44. People who cannot hear are referred to as the ___. A. deadB. blind C. deaf D. dumb 45. The volunteers have built houses for the ___ after the storm. A. sickB. homeless C. unemployedD. old 46. A night campfire on ___ will be a great event in our schooldays. A. a two-day trip B. a two-days trip C. two-day tripD. two-days trip 47. His ___ are collecting stamps and swimming. A. joysB. enjoys C. hobbies D. preference 48. ___ Christmas, the weather has been quite good. A. ForB. AtC. When D. Since 49. With this microwave oven, it’s ___ to heat food. A. usefulB. convenient C. time-consumingD. warm 50. He behaves like an adult. I think he is more ___ than the other boys in his class. A. intelligentB. mature C. ambitious D. developed 51. The street is very noisy, ___ makes sleeping difficult. A. which B. that C. what D. it 52. Buildings should be specially designed so that they can be used by ___. A. the rich B. the poor C. the disabled D. the unemployed 53. “Will you pick me ___ after the party?” A. withB. onC. up D. at 54. A month ago, I ___ a letter from Neil, but I haven't replied. A. have gotB. got C. getD. am getting 55. Ambulances arrived at the scene of the accident and took ___ to hospital. A. the youngB. the unemployedC. the poor D. the injured 56. “Have you made plans for the summer?” “Yes. ___ to Spain.” A. We’d goB. We’re going C. We’ve goneD. We’ll go 57. If there is a good programme on TV tonight, I ___ it. A. will watch B. watched C. watch D. am watching 58. I hope you'll remember ___ your room. A. tidyingB. tidyC. to tidy D. tidies 59. Jim ___ my best friend, but we aren't friends any longer. A. used to beingB. isC. used to be D. were 60. Please wait for a while. The principal is busy now; he ___ to one of the staff. A. talkedB. talksC. was talking D. is talking 61. ___ the bad condition of the house, they enjoy living there. A. In spite of B. AlthoughC. BecauseD. Because of 62. Television can make things memorable ___ it presents information in an effective way. A. in spite ofB. because ofC. because D. although 63. The student said that they ___ the report the following week. A. finishB. finishedC. are finishingD. would finish 64. There ___ many technological advances in recent years. A. have been B. wereC. areD. had been 65. They were hungry, so she suggested ___ dinner early. A. having B. to haveC. haveD. had 66. - “We’re moving house tomorrow.” - “Really? ___ you with the furniture.” A. I helpB. I’m going to helpC. I am helpingD. I will help 67. The company does not mind ___ money on their advertising campaign. A. spendB. to spendC. spending D. of spending 68. When all the students were seated, the teacher ___ his lesson. A. beginsB. began C. was beginningD. had begun 69. ___ work hard to support your family? A. Did you used toB. Did you use to C. Used you toD. Used you 70. The poor boy is very happy because the stolen bicycle ___. A. was returnedB. has been returnedC. is returnedD. has returned 71. Tell me your plan, Nancy. What ___ this Sunday afternoon? A. are you doing B. do you doC. will you doD. are you do 72. Mr. Nam ___ his bike to work but now he takes the bus. A. is used to ridingB. uses to ride C. used to ride D. is accustomed to riding 73. Ann ___ to get the carpet for the room but someone had already taken it. A. goesB. had goneC. went D. has gone 74. He expects the results ___ soon. A. will arrive B. is going to arriveC. is arrivingD. will be arriving 75. When he ___ his wallet, all the money ___ out of it.
  3. A. finds / has been takenB. found / was takenC. had found / was taken D. found / had been taken 76. - “___?” - “I feel tired. I’ve got a headache.” A. Are you having a headache?B. Do you feel alright? C. What’s the matter with you? D. What happened to you? 77. - “Would you like to go to the movie tonight?” - “___.” A. Of courseB. Yes, I’d like C. No, I don’t like D. Yes, I’d love to 78. - Quan: “Hi, Minh. Did you have a nice weekend? ” - Minh: “___” A. Hello, Quan. Where are you going now?B. Hello Quan. Yes, I did. It's great. C. Hello, Quan. Sorry to hear that.D. Hi, Quan. How are you? 79. - “___” - “About twenty minutes’ walk.” A. What is your school?B. How far is it from your house to your school? C. How long is your school?D. How long does it take to ride to your school? 80. - Tim: I think we should go to the cinema. - Tom: ___. We can enjoy our favourite film. A. That’s a good idea B. I don’t agree with you C. I don’t think you are rightD. I don’t like it 81. - Daisy: “Would you mind opening the door?” - Lisa: “___” A. Yes, certainly.B. Yes, of course.C. No, I’m not. D. Not at all. 82. - Laura: “I’m very thirsty now.” - Peter: “Well, I ___ iced tea for you.” A. am going to make B. will make C. am makingD. make 83. - “Thank you very much.” - “___.” A. Me too B. Yours truly C. Of course D. You’re welcome 84. - Mary: “I think we should go to the beach.” - Linda: “___ because it’s very cold.” A. I like it very much B. I don’t think that’s a good idea C. I don’t agree with you moreD. I think you are right 85. - Tom: “We’re having a party at the weekend.” - Peter: “Great! Who ___?” A. will being invitedB. is going to inviteC. will invite D. is going to be invited 86. People have built a new bridge across the river. A. Across the river they built a new bridge.B. A new bridge had been built across the river. C. A new bridge has been built across the river. D. The river has been built a new bridge. 87. They haven’t had a party for ages. A. They didn’t have a party last age.B. It’s ages since they have had a party. C. It’s ages since they last had a party. D. They haven’t been to a party for ages. 88. When did you move to this house? A. Since when have you lived in this house? B. How long do you live in this house? C. When did you live in this house? D. How long did it take you to move to this house? 89. I’ve never tried seafood before. A. This is the first time I eat seafood. B. This is the first time I have eaten seafood. C. I don’t like seafood. D. I didn’t try seafood. 90. It’s three months since she started learning English. A. She has learned English for 3 months. B. She has started to learn English since 3 months. C. 3 months passed when she learned English. D. She had learned English about 3 months before. 91. Lan suggested going for a walk holiday. A. Lan wanted to go for a walk holiday alone. B. “How about going for a walk holiday?” said Lan. C. Lan wishes she went on a walk holiday. D. Lan suggested they had gone for a walk holiday. 92. I didn’t use to like football. A. I don’t like football. B. When I was young I like football, but now I don’t. C. I wasn’t accustomed to football. D. Once I didn’t like football, but now I do. 93. I have just written Mai a letter. A. A letter has just been written to Mai. B. A letter has been just written to Mai. C. A letter has just been written Mai. D. A letter have just been written to Mai. 94. The last time he played for this club was in 2005. A. He played for this club in 2005. B. He has played for this club since 2005. C. He hasn’t played for this club since 2005. D. He didn’t play for this club in 2005. 95. Choose the suitable question for the underlined part: It takes me twenty minutes to ride to school. A. What time does it take you to ride to school?B. How far is it from here to your school? C. How long does it take you to ride to school? D. How many times do you ride to school? 96. The teacher has given the students the homework. A. The homework has been given for students by the teacher. B. The students have been given the homework by the teacher. C. The students had been given their homework by the teacher. D. The students have given the homework to the teacher. II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
  4. 1. “We are going to the theatre this evening,” said Jane. Jane said (that) they were going to the theatre that evening. 2. Betty said, “Bill, I don’t like this film.” Betty told Bill (that) she didn’t like that film. 3. She was in the habit of staying up late when she was young. She used to stay up late when she was young. 4. Lam did not play for his soccer team last week because his legs were badly injured. Because of his badly injured legs Lam did not play for his soccer team last week. 5. They have sent books to those poor children. Books have been sent (to) those poor children 6. They slept soundly although the night air was hot. In spite of the hot night air, they slept soundly. 7. Nobody has ever seen him since last summer. He has never / not (ever) been seen since last summer. 8. We’ll visit Ha Long Bay when we have some days off. If we have some days off, we’ll visit Ha Long Bay. 9. Jo gave up smoking 2 years ago. This made him healthier. Jo gave up smoking 2 years ago, which made him healthier. 10. We didn’t go fishing because the water was rough. Because of the rough water / the fact that the water was rough, we didn’t go fishing. 11. “I wrote to my sister only last week,” said she. She said (that) she had written to her sister only the previous week / last week / week before. 12. You are walking to school with a friend. You don’t want to be late. You suggest hurrying. You say: If we don’t hurry, we will be late. III. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words or the correct form / tense of the verbs. 1. Many elderly people are living in poverty now. (poor) 2. His deafness prevents him from hearing well. (deaf) 3. The unemployed are suffering from hunger. (employ) 4. The computer helps us perform accurate calculations. (accuracy) 5. Television interferes with family life and communication. (communicate) 6. All the pupils have their parents’ permission to go for a picnic. (permit) 7. Because we had prepared everything carefully, we had a great trip. (careful) 8. TV can make things memorable because it presents information in an effective way. (inform) 9. He came first in the Quiz Show last week. It was the most memorable event for him. (memory) 10. With an education of science and technology, the villagers’ children can have better lives. (village) 11. The computer is a personal calculator which helps us interact with other people around the world. (calulate) 12. Mary and I have been pen pals for nearly five years, and we first met each other last week. (be, meet) 13. It’s very pleasant to wake up and hear the rain beating / beat on the windows. (wake, beat) 14. When we got home last night, we found that someone had broken into our flat. (get, find, break) 15. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody had gone out for dinner. (go) 16. Children enjoy being given gifts by Father Christmas. (give) 17. If he draws a picture, I will decorate my house with it. (draw) 18. She spends a lot of time looking after sick animals. (look) 19. Would you mind showing me how to work the lift? (work) 20. Look at the dark clouds! It is going to rain soon. (rain) 21. Please let me know your decision. (know) 23. She spent a lot of time reading books. (read) 22. Has that film been watched before? (watch) 24. I think he is on his farm now. (be)