Đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 đến 9 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Sào Nam

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Nội dung text: Đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 đến 9 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Sào Nam

  1. Name: ___ Class: 6/___ UNIT 7 TELEVISION I. Verb tenses: 1. It is 6.45 am. Everyone___(do) morning exercise. 2. She___(not often work) at night. 3. She___(be) usually late for school. 4. There___(be) 45 students in my class. 5. Look! The cat___(sleep). 6. ___you___(usually listen) to music? 7. What___he___(do) at the moment? – He___(use) his computer. 8. My father___(like) watching TV. 9. ___they___(visit) their hometown every year? 10. She___(get) up at 6 o'clock in the morning. II. Put questions for underlined parts: 1. I am in the living room now. ___ 2. They go to the museum on foot. ___ 3. She wants a cup of tea. ___
  2. 4. Her mother 's son is an engineer. ___ 5. Peter visits me once a month. ___ III. Choose the best answer: 1. There are many good programs___teenagers. A. on B. for C. to D. at 2. A person who watches TV is a(n)___. A. newsreader B. viewer C. weatherman D. MC 3. According to the TV___, there is animal programme at 6 p.m today. A. remote B. screen C. schedule D. viewer 4. My son plays football with his friends___.
  3. A. a week twice B. two times a week C. twice a week D. two a week 5. ___I don't like this animal programme, I still try to watch it until the end. A. Because B. But C. So D. Although IV. Verb tenses/ forms: 1. I___(be) hungry. I want___(eat) something. 2. - Where___she___(come) from? - She___(come) from China. She___(be) Chinese. 3. How about___(go) swimming at the weekend? 4. She___(like) romantic movies. 5. The Earth___(go) around the Sun. 6. ___you___(write) a letter at present? 7. ___she___(go) to London next month? 8. My friend (take)___a trip to DaLat next week. 9. Let ‘s___(play) a game! 10. How long___(be) this bridge?
  4. 11. This table is so dirty! - I___(clean) it at once, sir! 12. He never ( go )___camping because he (not have )___a tent. 13. When it is hot, we___(go) swimming. 14. ___Marry___(go) camping next Sunday? - Yes, she___. 15. “Your room is so dirty!” - “I___(clean) it immediately.” 16. It is 9 o’clock. We___(lie) on the beach. 17. My mother___(be) in the countryside next month. 18. There___(be) a little rice in the kitchen. 19. You must___(learn) harder. 20. She would like___(eat) beef. V. Give the word of opposite meaning to each given one: Adjective Word of opposite meaning 1. big 2. tall . 3. long . 4. thin . 5. black 6. bright . 7. easy . 8. hard-working .
  5. 9. clean . 10. empty . VI. From the given adjectives of column 1 in VII, fill in each gap with a suitable word: 1. She always get good marks because she is___. 2. He is very___. He can reach the ceiling. 3. How___does it take to get to the hospital? – About 3 minutes. 4. Vietnamese ‘s hair is often___. 5. There is nothing in this box. It is totally___. 6. This room is not___. We need to sweep it. 7. You should eat more. You are too___. 8. It ‘s a sunny day. The sky is___. 9. This exercise is___. You should do it by yourself. 10. Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam. It ‘s___and noisy.
  6. Name: ___ Class: 7/___ I. Supply the correct form and tense the verbs in the brackets. 1. Yesterday, I (go)___ to the restaurant with a client. 2. If I see him I (give) ___ him a lift 3. I(see)___ that film several times because I like 4. I (not go) ___ to school last Sunday. 5. She (get) ___ married last year? 6. What___ you (do) ___ last night?- I (do) ___ my homework. 7. We (do)___ exercise at the moment. 8. Yesterday, I (get) ___ up at 6 and (have) ___ breakfast at 6.30. 9. ___ he (walk) ___to school yesterday? - No, he ___. 10. In the future, robots (be able to)___ understand what we say. 11. People ( speak) ___ English and French in Canada 12. They ( not do) ___their homework last night. 13. He (not smoke)___ for two weeks. He is trying to give it up. 14. My wife and I (travel)___to Mexico by air last summer. 15. If you (not like) ___ this one I'll bring you another. 16. I (have)___ a little trouble with my car last week. 17. If he (wash) ___ my car I'll give him $10. 18. If she (need) ___a radio she can borrow mine. 19. If you (not go) ___away I'll send for the police. 20. I'll be very angry if he (make) ___any more mistakes. 21. If he (be) ___ late we'll go without him 22. She (have)___ coffee for breakfast every morning. 23. This is my house. ~How long___ you (live)___ here? ~I (live)___ here since 1970. 24. There (be)___ 20 rooms in my future house. 25. Be careful! The baby (sleep) ___. 26. If he (eat) all that he will be ill 27. I ( meet )___her at the movie theater last night. 28. My mother ( make ) ___ a dress now. 29. Two years ago, she ( teach ) ___at a village school. 30. What ___you (do) ___ yesterday morning? II. Rewrite the sentences using “ used to “ 1. My mother worked at a restaurant 3 years ago but now she doesn’t. ___ 2. He was the president of Student Union but now he isn’t.
  7. ___ 3. There were many tree-lined streets in my hometown but now there is none of them. ___ 4. My husband didn’t do housework but now he does. ___ 5. Children didn’t play with high-tech devices at an early age but now they do. ___ 6. The students didn’t go to school by public transportation but now they do. ___ 7. My city was a tourist destination but now it isn’t. ___ 8. Traffic jam didn’t happen when I was small but it happens now. ___ III. Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences. 1. it/ travel/ is/ rush/ because/ in/ so/ on/ to/ traffic/ road/ tiring/ hours/ jams/ of. 2. it/ hour/ to/ took/ office/ yesterday/ more/ my/ than/ mother/ an/ to/ go/ her. 3. from/ Ho Chi Minh city/ travelling/ not/ time-consuming/ to/ by/ Hanoi/ airplane/ is. 4. The/ more/ months/ project/ team/ than/ three/ completing/ spent/ this. 5. buy/ 50.000VND/ it/ visitor/ often/ entrance/ ticket/ costs/ a/ only/ to/ an.
  8. IV. Read the passage and answer the questions In the summer holidays, Mr. Hung, Mrs. Lan and their children often go to Vung Tau for two or three days. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel. Last summer they went to Nha Trang. They stayed at the Sunshine Hotel for three days. In the morning, Ba played soccer with his father on the beach. Lan and her mother walked long the beach and built sand castles. They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium. They also bought a lot of souvenirs for their friends. 1. Where does Lan's family often go for their summer vacation ? ___ 2. How long do they often stay there ? ___ 3. Where did they go last summer ? ___ 4. What did Lan and her mother do in the morning ? ___ 5. Did they visit Tri Nguyen Aquarium ? ___ V. Read the passage and answer the questions Have you ever seen someone’s anger when you’re stuck in the traffic jam in rush hours? Have you witnessed any driver acting aggressively toward other people on the road? If yes, you have probably witnessed a case of road rage. Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior of a driver in a road vehicle. Road rage includes rude gestures, verbal insults, physical threats or even dangerous driving methods. Those behaviors intend to release stress and frustration of the angry drivers. Road rage can cause noisy arguments between drivers and more seriously, physical attacks. That may result on severe injuries or even death. There are many reasons of road rage, one of them is traffic jam. With the increased number of private vehicles in the streets, congestion is getting worse
  9. and worse. People are easy to get angry if they are stuck in the traffic jam, so road rage is more likely to happen. People are recommended to calm themselves in the traffic jam by listening to radio or music, so they can prevent road rage. 1. What is road rage? ___ 2. What does road rage include? ___ 3. What can road rage cause? ___ 4. What is one of the causes of road rage? ___ 5. What are people recommended to do to prevent road rage? ___
  10. Name: ___ Class: 8/___ REVISION I. Put a, an or the in each of blank 1. ___Viet (or Kinh) have ___largest population among 54 ethnic groups in Viet Nam. 2. In ___ afternoon, my brother and I feed ___chickens and collect their eggs. 3. It’s unlucky to light three cigarettes with one match. -That’s only ___superstition. Only ___idiot believes in superstition. 4. There is ___university and ___English centre in this city. 5. I love ___spaceship over there in ___corner. Just look at those flowers! I can’t believe they are not real. II. Make the questions for the answers, using the cues given. 1. – the Khmer/ have / own language? ___? -Yes, they do. 2. – farm/ this? ___? -It’s my uncle’s. 3. – celebrate/ your birthday? ___? -I usually celebrate it at home. 4. – your summer holiday/ countryside? ___? -Oh, it was very interesting and useful. 5. – coloured pencils/ collect/ so far? ___? -I’ve collected about 150 of them. III. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. The storm arrived at the village much (soon) ___than we expected. 2. My cat is a better pet: she plays much (quiet) ___than my big, noisy dog. 3. Many birds fly a long way, but Arctic terns fly the (far) ___. 4. Do you know that flight travels (fast) ___than sound? 5. Of all the girls, Hoa did the embroidery the (careful) ___. IV. Underline the correct option in each sentence. 1. These books are on the wrong shelf. They shouldn’t/ mustn’t be there. 2. There is plenty of time. We mustn’t / don’t have to be at the cinema until 8.00. 3. Please put the paper cups and plates in the bin. We mustn’t/ don’t have to leave the room in a mess. 4. Thanks for coming. I’m glad you can/ could make it. 5. You look really tired. You should/ might take a few days off and have a holiday. 6. “What am I going to do about a present for the hostess?” “ You can / have to bring her some flowers.”
  11. 7. I don’t know what time I’ll be home. I can/ have to be quite late, I’m afraid. 8. Before entering a Iapanese house, you may / should take off your shoes. 9. You mustn’t/ don’t have to conduct any chemistry experiments unless t you are wearing safety glasses. 10.Should/ Shall I show you around to see the festival preparations? V. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the suggested word. 1. People use too much fertilizer so lands will be spoiled. (If) ___ 2. Technology has benefited humankind enormously; however, there are drawbacks with our reliance on it. (Although) ___ 3. “You had better watch other people first, and then follow them” (advised) ___ 4. Which costumes do you like better, the Tay’s or the Pathen’s? (prefer) ___ 5. How much are those trainers? (cost) ___ 6. I got a lot of pleasure from reading cookery books. (enjoy) ___ 7. The Bronze Pagoda is a must to see at the Yen Tu festival, but visitors have to walk for about 6 hours to reach it. (nevertheless) ___ 8. Nam and Tom arrived late; therefore, they missed the most important part of the festival. (because) ___ 9. Nick wanted to travel around Viet Nam to take pictures of festivals. He started to save money. (therefore) ___ 10.My aunt and uncle live in Ho Chi Minh City. They go to the Bai Dinh Pagoda Festival in Ninh Binh province every year. (however) ___ VI. Combine each pair of sentences, using the words given. Whereas even though otherwise yet because 1. The water is highly polluted. We cannot swim in this part of the river. 2. The fable is long. It is interesting and easy to read. 3. The boys prefer competitive sports and computer games. The girls seem to enjoy more cooperative activities, such as shopping with friends. 4. I have many things to do. I’ll go to the carnival. 5. You should start early. You will be stuck in the traffic jam.
  12. Name: ___ Class: 9/___ ENGLISH PRACTICE TEST – GRADE 9 ( 5TH ) I/ WISH: 1. I don’t have many friends in this new school. 2. What a pity! You aren’t here with us now. 3. It would be nice to be able to drive a car. 4. I’d like my father to give up smoking. 5. I’m sorry I can’t go camping with you. 6. My sister is so short. 7. It’s a pity, the weather isn’t better today. 8. He doesn’t help me with housework. 9. I don’t have a computer. 10. My friend can not stay with me longer. II/ ALTHOUGH/ IN SPITE OF: 1. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired. Although .
  13. In spite of 2. They have little money. They are happy. though . Despite 3. My foot were hurt. I managed to walk to the nearest village. Although . In spite of 4. Susan got very wet in the rain. She had an umbrella. Although . In spite of 5. It was raining heavily. They went out without a raincoats. though . Despite 6. Mai arrived at the meeting. I asked her not to be there . though . Despite 7. It looks like they’re going to succeed. They have difficulties. Although . In spite of 8. There was no electricity. I was able to read because I had a candle. though . Despite 9. She heard the phone ring. She didn’t answer it. Although . In spite of 10. It was cold and wet. We went to the beach.
  14. though . In spite of III/REPORTED SPEECH: 1. “I have something to show you now”, he said to me. He told me . 2. “ I’m leaving here for Hue tomorrow”, She said She said . 3. “I’ll come with you as soon as I am ready”, Tom said to her. Tom said . 4. “ I must go now”, the father said to us The father said . 5. “ Who puts the salt in my cup of coffe?”, asked Peter Peter asked . 6. “Why do you come here late?”, She asked me She asked . 7. “Can you play the piano?”, he asked the girl. He asked the girl . 8. “I’m having a good time here”, said Maryam. Maryam said . 9. “Do you like pop music?” Hoa told Maryam Hoa asked Maryam . 10. “Where do you live, the boy?” asked the man The man asked . IV/ REWRITE: 1.I have the(please) of listening to some music when I feel bored.(Use the correct form of word)
  15. She is lonely because she is (friend) ( Use the correct form of word) 2.I’d love to be able to speak English fluently. ( Use “I wish” to rewrite) I don’t like you come to class late. ( Use “I wish” to rewrite) 3.I last saw him when he graduated from university. I have It is a long time since we last went to this restaurant. We have 4. I gave up smoking 5 years ago.( Use “ used to “ to rewrite)