Đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Trường THCS Tây Sơn

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  1. ENGLISH 7: REVISION I. Look at the pictures and complete the phrases under them. 4. r_ _ _ _ _ _ station 1. bus s_ _ _ 2. c_ _ _ _ lane 3. driving l_ _ _ _ _ _ 8. t_ _ _ _ _ _ rule 5. seat b_ _ _ 6. s_ _ _ _ limit 7. traffic l_ _ _ _ 9. train t_ _ _ _ _ 10. z_ _ _ _ crossing II. Look at the pictures and answer the questions 1. What is this? 2. What does he do? 4. What types of film is he famous for? 3. Where are they?
  2. 5. Is he a director? 6. What types of film do you think this is? 6. What is sold much in cinemas? 7. Is it a horror film? II. Find the word with different sound in the underline part in each line 1. A. wished B. gripped C. loved D. liked 2. A. excited B. enjoyed C. bored D. amazed 3. A. laughed B. ended C. shocked D. missed 4. A. decade B. language C. traffic D. damage 5. A. typed B. missed C. walked D. cleaned 6. A. loved B. stopped C. played D. lived 7. A. laughed B. selected C. liked D. crossed 8. A. crooked B. finished C. arrived D. blessed 9. A. phoned B. enjoyed C. boiled D. cooked 10. A. followed B. fixed C. missed D. talked 11. A. prepared B. allowed C. terminated D. filled 12. A. finished B. committed C. laughed D. worked 13. A. interpreted B. wretched C. dogged D. ordered 14. A. watched B. pushed C. washed D. changed 15. A. purchased B. staved C. cleaned D. arranged III. Choose the best answer: 1. She is___old___climb the mountain. A. very/ to B. enough/ to C. too/ to D. so/ to 2. It is not___to pass the red traffic light. A. dangerous B. safe C. safety D. danger 3. There are many___on the street: cars, buses, bikes, motorbikes A. vehicles B. transport C. engines D. machines 4. She spent all day___with her children. A. play B. to play C. played D. playing 5. The central square is___. It is full of people and noise. A. quiet B. peaceful C. crowded D. calm 6. Your behaviour is___. You should not be rude.
  3. A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoint D. disappoints 7. If we walk, we should go on the___. A. street B. pavement C. traffic light D. road 8. “One-way street”, “No parking” are___. A. road signs B. means of transport C. traffic rules D. mistakes 9. He sings___. Nobody wants to listen to his voice. A. bad B. badly C. well D. good 10. He runs___ than me. A. more faster B. more fastly C. more fast D. faster 11. They canceled the match___ it rained heavily. A. because of B. because C. although D. in spite of 12. How do you think about my new book? – I find it___. A. excited B. excite C. excitingly D. exciting 13. This movie is about the war between the planets in the space. It’s a___movie. A. romantic B. comedy C. documentary D. sci-fi 14. Are you___with the result? A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfying D. be satisfying 15. My brother sings___than me. A. better B. weller C. gooder D. well 16. The results of the work are___. We are very sad. A. disappointed B. satisfying C. disappointing D. satisfied 17. This is a___film and it makes me cry a lot. A. funny B. moving C. comedy D. excited 18. ___he has a lot of money, he is very mean. A. Because B. Although C. Despite D. Because of 19. She is young but she performs___. A. excellent B. excel C. excellently D. excellence 20. This is a(n)___on real life during wars in Vietnam in 1945. A. horror film B. sci-fi C. comedy D. documentary 21. He___the Oscar Prize as the best actor last year. A. won B. acted C. performed D. directed 22. He is lazy.___, he is always lucky in examinations. A. Therefore B. But C. However D. So 23. I decided to quit this job___ the low salary. A. because of B. despite C. because D. although 24. " Thanks for a lovely dress!" - “___” A. You're welcome B. Yes, I do C. No, thanks D. I don't know 25. They are very interested___ going to the zoo. A. to B. in C. at D. for 26. There aren’t ___ means of transports in the countryside’s life. A. many B. much C. a few D. a little 27. You look ___ in that dress. A. love B. lovely C. loving D. lovelily IV. Word form:
  4. 1. The children were___by the stories about ghosts.FRIGHTEN 2. It is___to use gun without permission. LEGAL 3. Be___! A car is coming! CARE 4. Have you got___license? DRIVE 5. Stop in front of the zebra___when the traffic light turns into red. CROSS 6. We are very___about the upcoming trip on Sunday. EXCITE 7. She smiled___when she met him again. HAPPY 8. We were disappointed at his___ . PERFORM 9. They spent millions of dollars on___ the film. MAKE 10. Chidrent need to have a good___ EDUCATE V. Find a mistake in each sentence below 1. She drives faster and more careless than me. A B C D 2. The gate are closed so that the children can’t run into the road. A B C D 3. Although his strength, I’m not afraid of him. A B C D 4. I prefer science fictions to active films. A B C D 5. He was so surprising that he could not say anything. A B C D VI. Put question for the underlined part of each sentence: 1. It is 10 kilometers from here to ACB bank. ___. 2. I have known Marie for nine years. ___. 3. Yes, they used to be friends at the university. ___. 4. Mai goes to school on foot. ___. 5. She is watching Tom and Jerry. ___. VII. Fill in each gap with one suitable word: I live (1)___Hanoi. It is (2) ___busy city. The streets (3)___crowded and there are traffic jams in the rush hour. I am sometimes late for school because of the traffic jams. Some people don’t (4) ___the traffic rules. They pass the red traffic light, wear no helmets Therefore, sometimes there (5)___accidents.
  5. VIII. Cloze test: There are many (1) ___of films: romance, comedy, science fiction, documentary, horror, action My favourite is romantic films, for (2)___, Titanic, The Notebook, Notting Hill They are meaningful about life and love. Sometimes they are (3)___and make me cry. I am also interested (4)___documentaries. They give me interesting knowledge. 1. A. types B. movies C. forms D. watches 2. A. such as B. character C. example D. actor 3. A. funny B. gripping C. strange D. moving 4. A. on B. in C. of D. With IX. Look at the pictures and do the crosswords. The first letter is cue for you. 1. 3 D G L A S S E S 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. P 7. S 8. S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  6. X. Rewrite the sentences using the words given. 1. Although the weather was bad, we had a good time. Despite___ 2. My sister grew roses but she doesn’t any more. My sister used ___. 3. She went out in spite of the rain. Although___. 4. The children slept deeply although it was noisy. In spite of___. 5. They built this bridge ten years ago. This bridge___.