Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Sào Nam

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  1. UBND QUẬN HẢI CHÂU ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP KHỐI 6 TRƯỜNG TRUNG HỌC CƠ SỞ NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020 SÀO NAM MÔN: TIẾNG ANH; LỚP: 6 HỌ VÀ TÊN: . . LỚP: 6/ LỜI PHÊ: . . Part 1: Match the verbs in A with the phrases in B: AB 1. play a. English Answers: 1 ___ 2. do b. school lunch 2 ___ 3. have c. football 3 ___ 4. study d. homework 4 ___ Part 2: Choose the best answer by circling A, B, or C: 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. A. notebook B. love C. above 2. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. A. arms B. legs C. cheeks 3. Look! The boys . basketball in the school yard. A. play B. playing C. are playing 4. Nam usually his bike to school everyday. A. rides B. is riding C. are riding 5. What he tomorrow? A. do – do B. is - doing C. are – doing 6. My sister is five years old. Her cheeks chubby. A. is B. are C. has 7. Binh: “What would you like to eat now?” – Nam: “ ” A. Bread, please B. Yes, please C. I like to do nothing 8. Nga: “Can you pass me the biscuit, please?” – “ ” A. Sorry, I can B. I’d love to. C. Yes, sure Part 3: Read the passage then choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D: ELEMETARY SCHOOL IN THE U.S.A American students usually attend an elementary school in their neighborhood. The school year usually runs from early September to mid-June. School days last from Monday to Friday. Classes start at 9 a.m. and finish at 3p.m. Students have a two-week vacation, a one-week spring vacation and a two-month summer vacation. Elementary school programs consist of language arts, history, geography, math, science, music, art, physical education and health. In big cities, many students live close enough to walk to and from school and come home for lunch. However, most elementary schools have a canteen. Students can go there at break-time. They can buy some snacks and drinks there. 1. The school year usually begins in A. August B. September C. June D. July 2. Students often have lessons . days a week. A. four B. five C. six D. seven 3. In the summer, students have a . vacation. A. one-week B. two-week C. one-month D. two-month 4. In an elementary school, students study . subjects. 1
  2. A. five B. seven C. nine D. eight Part 4: Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above. 1. My house has five rooms. - There 2. He likes the living room most. - His favorite room . Part 5: Choose the correct response to complete each of the following questions based on the answer 1. ___ do you live? I live in Tokyo. a. Where b. Who c. What 2. ___ are you going to the concert? I'm going to the concert next week. a. Where b. When c. What 3. ___ is Nancy reading? She is reading a newspaper. a. What b. When c. Who 4. ___ are they speaking with? They are speaking with their friends. a. What b. Where c. Who 5. ___ are you talking about? We're talking about the weather. a. Who b. What c. Where 6. ___ will you be home? I'll be home in two hours. a. Where b. What c. When 7. ___ did Mary see at the beach? Mary saw Thomas at the beach. a. Who b. When c. What 8. ___ did you go last night? We went to a cafe. a. Where b. When c. What 9.___ did you tell her? I told her yesterday. a. Where b. When c. What 10. ___ did you tell her? I told her the truth. a. When b. Where c. What 11.___ is that man's profession? a. What b. Who c. Which 12.___ can answer this question? a. Who b. What c. Which 13___ is that boy? 2
  3. a. Who b. What c. Which 14.___ do you want to buy? a. Who b. Which c. What 15.___ came to see you on Sunday? a. What b. Which c. Who 16.___ wants more tea? a. What b. Which c. Who 17___ color is paper? a. Which b. Who c. What 18___ kind of music do you like? a. What b. Who c. Which 19.___ book is yours? a. Which b. What c. Who 20.___ is the best player? a. Who b. Which c. What 21.___ day is it today? a. What b. Which c. Who 22.___ is this book about? a. What b. Who c. Which 23.___ is your cup? This one or that one? a. What b. Who c. Which 24.___ car is better: this one or that one? a. Which b. What c. Who 25.___ is your friend’s name? a. Which b. What c. Who Part 6: Write on the blank: How, When, What or Where and make questions. Eg: 1. Derrick runs quickly to his desk. (How) How does Derrick run to his desk? 1. Pamela speaks slowly. ___ 2. Janet is sitting in front of André. ___ 3
  4. 3. Pat arrived early today. ___ 4. Sharon usually laughs at my jokes. ___ 5. Monique types quickly. ___ 6. I often go to school by my bike. ___ 7. Nathalie is beside Peter. ___ 8. Your teacher answers honestly. ___ Part 7: Complete the sentences with the words below. 4