Đề cương ôn tập Unit 10, 11 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Trường THPT Cẩm Lệ

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  1. UNIT 10: NATURE IN DANGER (Thiên nhiên đang lâm nguy) A. VOCABULARY 1.action (n) ['ỉk∫n]: hành động 2. affect (v) [ə'fekt]: ảnh hưởng 3. Africa (n) ['ỉfrikə]: châu Phi 4. agriculture (n) ['ỉgrikʌlt∫ə]: nơng nghiệp 5. cheetah (n)['t∫i:tə]: lồi báo gêpa 6. co-exist (v) [kou ig'zist]: sống chung, cùng tồn tại 7. consequence (n) ['kɔnsikwəns]: hậu quả 8. destruction (n) [dis'trʌk∫n]: sự phá hủy 9. dinosaur (n)['dainəsɔ:]: khủng long 10. disappear (v) [,disə'piə]: biến mất 11. effort (n)['efət]: nỗ lực 12. endangered (a) [in'deindʒə(r)d]: bị nguy hiểm 13. estimate (v)['estimit - 'estimeit]: ước tính 14. exist (v) [ig'zist]: tồn tại 15. extinct (a) [iks'tiηkt]: tuyệt chủng 16. habit (n) ['hỉbit]: thĩi quen 17. human being (n)['hju:mən 'bi:iη]: con người 18. human race (n)['hju:mən'reis]: nhân loại 19. in danger (exp) ['deindʒə]: cĩ nguy cơ 20. industry (n) ['indəstri]: cơng nghiệp 21. interference (n) [,intə'fiərəns]: sự can thiệp 22. make sure (v)[meik ∫uə]: đảm bảo 23. nature (n) ['neit∫ə]: thiên nhiên 24. offspring (n) ['ɔ:fspriη]: con cháu, dịng dõi 25. planet (n) ['plỉnit]: hành tinh 26. pollutant (n) [pə'lu:tənt]: chất gây ơ nhiễm 27. prohibit (v) [prə'hibit]: cấm 28. rare (a) [reə]: hiếm 29. responsible (a)[ri'spɔnsəbl]: cĩ trách nhiệm 30. result in (v) [ri'zʌlt]: gây ra 31. scatter (v) ['skỉtə]: phân tán 32. serious (a) ['siəriəs]: nghiêm trọng 33. species (n) ['spi:∫i:z]: giống, lồi 34. capture (v) ['kỉpt∫ə]: bắt 35. cultivation (n) [,kʌlti'vei∫n]: trồng trọt 36. cut down (v) [kʌt daun]: đốn, chặt (cây) 37. discharge (v) [dis't∫ɑ:dʒ]: thải ra, đổ ra 38. discourage (v) [dis'kʌridʒ]: khơng khuyến khích + encourage (v) [in'kʌridʒ]: khuyến khích 39. fertilizer (n) ['fə:tilaizə]: phân bĩn 40. hunt (v) [hʌnt]: săn 41. pesticide (n) ['pestisaid]: thuốc trừ sâu 42. threaten (v) ['θretn]: đe dọa 43. devastating (a) ['devəsteitiη]: tàn phá 44. maintenance (n) ['meintinəns]: sự giữ gìn, duy trì 45. preserve (v) [pri'zə:v]: bảo tồn 46. scenic feature (n) ['si:nik 'fi:t∫ə] : đặc điểm cảnh vật 47. abundant (a) [ə'bʌndənt]: dồi dào, phong phú 48. coastal waters (n)['koustəl 'wɔ:təz]: vùng biển duyên hải B. GRAMMAR: RELATIVE PRONOUNS WITH PREPOSITIONS * Nếu trước tân ngữ cĩ giới từ thì ta cĩ thể đem tân ngữ ra để trước đại từ quan hệ. a. The relative pronoun is the object of the preposition. Trang 1
  2. E.g: I’ll introduce her to the boy whom/ that I share a flat with. = I’ll introduce her to the boy with whom I share a flat. (chỉ được dùng whom nếu đem giới từ để trước ĐTQH) b. Where/ When/ Why = preposition + Which E.g: Do you remember the day when we visit the zoo on? = Do you remember the day on which we visit the zoo? E.g: He wants to visit the city which he was born in. = He wants to visit the city in which he was born. C. EXERCISES: Exercise 1: Match a word in column A with its definition or meaning in column B. A B 1. prohibit a. live together 2. extinct b. a substance that pollutes air, water 3. endangered c. ban, not allow 4. co-exist d. the young of an animal 5. interfere in e. be threatened 6. off-spring f. no longer in existence 7. pollutant g. to concern yourself with sb else’s affairs without needing Exercise 2: Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence. 1. The human race is only one small in the living world. A. thing B. category C. species D. kind 2. Dinosaurs were millions of years ago. A. extinct B. extinction C. coming D. appearing 3. In Vietnam, many species have become due to the irresponsible activities of people. A. dangerous B. endanger C. endangered D. endangerment 4. The number of rare animals is decreasing rapidly. A. mostly B. quickly C. gradually D. dangerously 5. Because of people’s with the environment, many kinds of plants and animals are becoming rare. A. supply B. survival C. influence D. interference 6. Human beings are changing the by building cities and villages where forest once stood. A. atmosphere B. space C. areas D. environment 7. The panda's habitat is the bamboo forest. A. nature B. natural C. naturalized D. naturally 8. You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the of wildlife. A. extinct B. extinctive C. extinctions D. extinction Exercise 3: Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. 1. The blue whale is a(n) species. (danger) 2. Dinosaurs became millions of years ago. (extinction) 3. Many rivers are nowadays. (pollution) 4. The of the environment is important. (preserve) 5. This town often suffers from disasters. (nature) 6. of alternative energy is being carried out. (develop) 7. The of the flood was so great that a whole city was swept away. (destroy) 8. He just seems so sad and he doesn’t know what the is. (solve) Exercise 4: Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect dies (1) forever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that alive today will have become extinct twenty years from now.The seas are in (2) . They are being filled with poison: industrial and nuclear (3) , chemical fertilizers and pesticides, sewage. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. If nothing is done about it, one day soon Trang 2
  3. nothing will be able to live in the seas. The tropical rain forests, which are the (4) of half the earth’s living things (including many rare animals and plants), are being destroyed. If nothing is done about it, they will have disappeared in twenty years. The (5) on the world’s climate- and on our agriculture and food supplies- will be disastrous. 1. A. off B. on C. out D. over 2. A. danger B. death C. debt D. despair 3. A. waste B. rubbish C. essence D. mixture 4. A. container B. origin C. house D. home 5. A. result B. impression C. effect D. motivation Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with the suitable relative pronouns. 1. The factory in I work is very big. 2. The maid-servant, to I you have just spoken was a favourite patron of that beauty shop. 3. That is the person about I I told you. 4. This is the book of I I was speaking. 5. The woman about I I always think is my mother. 6. I don’t know the name of the woman to I I spoke on the phone. 7. They are reading the newspapers to I the postman brought yesterday. 8. The project about I the students kept talking was done last week. 9. The children about I their parents are anxious are coming back late. 10. Lan writes an article I you should send in Vietnam net. Exercise 6: Combine each pair of sentences using “a preposition + a relative pronoun”. 1. The girl is John’s sister. I introduced you to her. . 2. The shop is closed. I bought the shoes from it. . 3. My English teacher is Mr. Tam. I had great respect for him. . 4. He gave me a lot of advice. Much of them was very useful. . 5. The man is a good friend of mine. I borrowed the money from him. . 6. The school has been given 50 computers. Half of them are brand new. _ . 7. _Lan’s party is next Sunday evening. We are all invited to it. _ . 8. Mrs. Jason apologized for the mistake. We complained to her. . 9. The film “The Lost World” is showing next week. I’ve heard good reports about it. . 10. They have changed the date. The furniture is to be delivered on that day. . ___ UNIT 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY (Các nguồn năng lượng) A. VOCABULARY 1.alternative (a): thay thế 2. at the same time (exp): cùng lúc đĩ 3. available (a): sẵn cĩ 4. coal (n) : than đá 5. dam (n): đập (ngăn nước) 6. electricity (n): điện 7. energy (n): năng lượng Trang 3
  4. 8. exhausted (a) : cạn kiệt 9. fossil fuel (n): nhiên liệu hĩa thạch 10. geothermal heat (n) : địa nhiệt 11. infinite (a) : vơ hạn 12. make use of (exp) : tận dụng 13. nuclear energy (a): năng lượng hạt nhân 14. plentiful (a): nhiều 15. power demand (n): nhu cầu sử dụng điện 16. release (v) : phĩng ra 17. reserve (n) : trữ lượng 18. solar energy (n) : năng ượng mặt trời 19. solar panel (n) : tấm thu năng lượng mặt trời 20. windmill (n): cối xay giĩ 21. abundant (a)[ə'bʌndənt]: dồi dào, phong phú 22. convenient (a) [kən'vi:njənt]: tiện lợi 23. enormous (a) [i'nɔ:məs]: to lớn, khổng lồ 24. harmful (a)[hɑ:mful]: cĩ hại 25. hydroelectricity (n) [,haidrouilek'trisiti]: thủy điện 26. nuclear reactor (n) ['nju:kliə [ri:'ỉktə]: phản ứng hạt nhân 27. radiation (n) [,reidi'ei∫n]: phĩng xạ 28. renewable (a) [ri'nju:əbl]: cĩ thể thay thế 29. run out (v) [rʌn'aut]: cạn kiệt 30. ecologist (n) [i'kɔlədʒist]: nhà sinh thái học + ecology (n) [i'kɔlədʒi]: sinh thái học 31. as can be seen (exp) [si:n]: cĩ thể thấy 32. consumption (n) [kən'sʌmp∫n]: sự tiêu thụ 33. make up (v) ['meikʌp]: chiếm (số lượng) 34. conduct (v) ['kɔndʌkt]: tiến hành 35. experiment (n) [iks'periment]: cuộc thí nghiệm 36. extraordinary (a) [iks'trɔ:dnri]: lạ thường 37. overlook (v) [,ouvə'luk]: nhìn ra 38. progress (n)['prougres]: sự tiến triển 39. research (v) [ri'sə:t∫, 'ri:sə:t∫]: nghiên cứu 40. surround (v) [sə'raund]: bao quanh B. GRAMMAR: RELATIVE CLAUSES REPLACED BY PARTICIPLES AND TO INFINITIVES Trong trường hợp đại từ QH làm chủ ngữ, mệnh đề QH cĩ thể được rút gọn thành cụm hiện tại phân từ V-ing, cụm quá khứ phân từ V3/V3ed (P.P) hoặc To-inf 1. Present participle phrase: MĐQH rút gọn thành cụm V-ing khi động từ trong MĐQH ở thể chủ động. Ex: The man who spoke to John is my brother. -> The man speaking to John is my brother Ex: Do you know the woman who is coming toward us? -> Do you know the woman coming to ward us? 2. Past participle phrase: MĐQH rút gọn thành cụm P.P khi động từ trong MĐQH ở thể bị động. Ex: The sport games which were held in India in 1951 were the first Asian Games. -> The sport games held in India in 1951 was the first Asian Games. Ex: They live in a house that was built in 1980. -> They live in a house built in 1980. Trang 4
  5. 3. Infinitive phrase: - MĐQH rút gọn thành cụm to-inf khi trước danh từ cĩ các từ first, second, third, last, only, any, some, so sánh nhất Ex: The last man that left the room was Mr Brown. -> The last man to leave the room was Mr Brown. - Khi muốn diễn đạt mục đích hoặc sự cho phép. Ex: Here is a form that you must fill in. -> Here is a form for you to fill in. The children need a big yard which they can play in. -> The children need a big yard to play in. C. EXERCISES: Exercise 1: Match the word in column A with its meaning or synonym in column B. A B 1. reserve (n) a. related to the sun 2. release (v) b. be used up 3. plentiful (adj) c. energy obtained from the power of the sun, wind, water 4. solar (adj) d. give out 5. exhausted (adj) e. unlimited 6. alternative energy f. resource 7. infinite (adj) g. existing or available in large quantities Exercise 2: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 1. A. energy B. natural C. relative D. pollution 2. A. fossil B. limit C. windmill D. entire 3. A. only B. inside C. demand D. provide 4. A. therefore B. nuclear C. reserve D. power 5. A. alternative B. geothermal C. environment D. expensive Exercise 3: Choose the best answer. 1. Oil, coal, and natural gas are A. solar system B. nuclear power C. hydropower D. fossil fuels 2. is the power from sources such as electricity and coal that makes machines work or provides heat. A. Chemical B. Machine C. Energy D. Natural gas 3. Water energy is used to create electricity. A. produce B. design C. operate D. heat 4. Although we need more energy, we should consider the of a nuclear power station. A. disadvantage B. disadvantageous C. disadvantaged D. disadvantageously 5. A is a structure that is used to convert the power of the wind into electricity. A. dam B. windmill C. machine D. panel 6. The sun large amounts of energy every day. A. absorbs B. releases C. changes D. produced 7. The solar energy can change electricity. A. to B. for C. with D. into 8. is produced from the heat stored in the earth's core. A. Geothermal energy B. Nuclear energy C. Solar energy D. Water energy 9. There is of solar energy that we cannot make full use of. A. plenty B. plenties C. plentiful D. plentifully 10. Increased consumption will lead to faster of our natural resources. A. exhaust B. exhausting C. exhaustion D. exhaustive 11. The Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000 were exciting. a. being held b. were held c. held d. to be held 12. A sugar company three thousand people has closed down. a. employs b. employed c. employing d. to employ 13. Florida, the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year. a. is known as b. that is known as c. known as d. knowing Trang 5
  6. 14. Trains from this station ___ an hour to get to London. a. leave – take b. leaving – taking c. leaving – take d. left – take 15.They have an apartment the park. a. overlooks b. that overlooking c. overlooked d. overlooking 16. The students by the teacher are lazy. a. punishing b. who punished c. punished d. punish Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with the words given. dangerous supply reaches conservation renewable Solar energy, air and water are, usually called (1) renewable, resources because there is an unlimited (2) of them. However, this definition may change if people are not careful with the consuming of these ,resources. The quality of solar energy that (3) the earth depends on the atmosphere. If the atmosphere is polluted, the solar energy reaching the earth may be (4) Therefore, resources must be conserved; the air and water must be protected. (5) must play important part in life. Exercise 4: Rewrite the following sentences using appropriate participle phrases or to infinitive. 1. He was the first man who left the burning building. 2. The last person who leaves the room must turn out the lights. 3. Here are some accounts that you must check. 4 . Only a few of the movie that are shown at the Gray Theater are suitable for children. 5. The couples who live in the house next door are both college professors. 6. Our solar system is in a galaxy that is called the Milky Way. 7. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which has been built on the Clyde. 8. The fifth man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable. 9. The Indians who lived in Peru before the discovery of the New World by Europeans belonged to the Incan culture. 10. I wish we had a garden that our children could play in. Exercise 5: Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. 1. He is (A) the first guest (B) coming (C) to my (D) father's birthday party. 2. He was (A) the last passenger (B) saved (C) in that (D) plane crash. 3. The amount of solar energy that (A) reaching (B) the earth depends (C) on the (D) atmosphere. 4. A dam is a wall (A) building across a river (B) to stop the river’s (C) flow and (D) collect the water. 5. (A) The ideas (B) which presented (C) in that book are (D) interesting. Trang 6
  7. Trang 7