Đề cương ôn tập học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Trường THPT Trần Phú

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Nội dung text: Đề cương ôn tập học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Trường THPT Trần Phú

  1. Grade 11 I. Choose the correct answer 1. A species of animal or plant that is ___ no longer has any living members, either in the world or in a particular place. A. extinct B. rare C. survival D. productive 2. Those who concern are very worried about the ___ of many species. A. disappearance B. establishment C. supply D. provision 3. Because of people's ___ with the environment, many kinds of plants and animals are becoming rare. A. supply B. survival C. influence D. interference 4. Tropical forests have supplied us with many sorts of plants for food, medicine, and industry. A. affected B. influenced C. changed D. provided 5. It is estimated that only 1,000 pandas remain in ___ wild. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 6. England was one of the first countries to ___ A. industry B. industrial C. industrialize D. industrialization 7. Their ___ is rejected due to some problems of pollution. A. suggest B. suggestion C. suggestive D. suggestible 8. We all regard pollution as a ___ matter to human beings. A. serious B. seriously C. seriousness D. seriousful 9. Many organizations have been set up and funds have been raised. A. established B. collapsed C. delayed D. decreased 10. The number of rare animals is decreasing rapidly. A. dangerously B. quickly C. mostly D. gradually 11. Human beings are adding more and more pollutants ___ the environment. A. from B. for C. on D. to 12. You should make sure ___ what you have just told us. A. in B. on C. over D. of 13. Forest destruction results ___ floods and air pollution. A. from B. about C. in D. into 14. ___many species of animals have become extinct. A. There are many reasons for which B. Many reasons for which C. The reasons for that D. For which reasons 15. Farmers use more and more ___them to grow better crops but harm the environment. A. powerful chemicals who help B. which powerful chemicals help C. powerful chemicals which help D. powerful chemicals help 16. Water is one of the most precious resources ___for our life. A. we depend on which B. which we depend C. on which we depend D. on that we depend 17.___ are very dense, warm, and wet, are havens for millions of plants and animals. A. Rain forests B. Rain forests, that C. Rain forest, where D. Rain forests, which 18. The farmers and their cattle ___had been trapped in the storm were fortunately rescued. A. who B. whom C. which D. that 19. Laws have been introduced to prohibit the killing of endangered animals. A. advised B. decreased C. ban D. encouraged 20. Hunting for meat and burning forests for soils ___wildlife. A. protect B. conserve C. destroy D. survive 21. Scientists think it unlikely that the species will actually become extinct as a ___of the oil spill. A. respect B. consequence C. protection D. production
  2. 22. The area is roped off because the water is seriously polluted. A. contaminated B. disappeared C. purified D. endangered 23. Human beings have great influence on world. A. the / a B. a / the C. Ø / a D. the / Ø 24. We have to suffer a lot of floods due to our serious of forests. A. destroy B. destructive C. destruction D. destructor 25. They are asking for public donations to protect some certain wild animals dying out. A. from B. for C. with D. up II.Complete the following passage with the correct form of the word given in CAPITALS to the right of each line. THE KING IN THE CAR PARK We are used to reading about mysteries in detective novels, but a real-life mystery was (1)___ solved by archaeologists when 1. RECENT they found a skeleton under a car park in a British city. The 2. DISCOVER (2)___ of the remains was of particular (3)___ as they 3. turned out to be those of the famous King of England, Richard III. INTERESTING (4)___, most monarchs have a formal (5)___ and their 4. TRADITION bones are placed in cathedrals or abbeys, but the final resting place of 5. BURRY Richard had been (6)___. The search to find his body had been 6. KNOW a long one. Now, (7)___ have formally identified the bones as 7. SCIENCE those of Richard, comparing his DNA with that of another (8)___. Tests have also proven that Richard’s spinal deformity 8. DESCEND was not as bad as they had (9)___ thought. However, his 9. ORIGIN reputation of being a (10)___ still stands and the mystery of 10. CRIME what really happened to his two nephews remains unsolved. III. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Icebergs are among nature’s most spectacular creations, and yet most people have never seen one. A vague air of mystery envelops them. They come into being somewhere-in faraway, frigid waters, amid thunderous noise and splashing turbulence, which in most cases no one hears or sees. They exist only a short time and then slowly waste away just unnoticed. Objects of sheerest beauty, they have been called. Appearing in an endless variety of shapes they may be dazzlingly white, or they may be glassy blue, green or purple, tinted faintly or in darker hues. They are graceful, stately, inspiring in calm, sunlit seas. But they are also called frightening and dangerous, and that they are, in the night, in the fog, and in storms. Even in clear weather one is wise to stay a safe distance away from them. Most of their bulk is hidden below the water, so their underwater parts may extend out far beyond the visible top. Also, they may roll over unexpectedly, churning the waters around them. Icebergs are parts of glaciers that break off, drift into the water, float about awhile, and finally melt. Icebergs afloat today are made of snowflakes that have fallen over long ages of time. They embody snows that drifted down hundreds, or many thousands, or in some cases maybe a million years ago. The snows fell in polar-regions and on cold mountains, where they melted only a little or not at all, and so collected to great depths over the years and centuries. As each year’s snow accumulation lay on the surface, evaporation and melting caused the snowflakes slowly to lose their feathery points and become tiny grains of ice. When new snow fell on top of the old, it too turned to icy grains. So blankets of snow and ice grains mounted layer upon layer and were of such great thickness that the weight of the upper layers compressed the lower ones. With time and pressure from above, the many small ice grains joined and changed to larger crystals, and eventually the deeper crystals merged into a solid mass of ice.
  3. 1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. The Melting of Icebergs B. The Nature and Origin of Icebergs C. The Size and Shape of Icebergs D. The Dangers of Icebergs 2. The author states that icebergs are rarely seen because they are___. A. surrounded by fog B. hidden beneath the mountains C. located in remote regions of the world D. broken by waves soon after they are formed 3. The passage mentions all of the following colors for icebergs EXCEPT___. A. yellow B. blue C. green D. purple 4. According to the passage, icebergs are dangerous because they___. A. usually melt quickly B. can turn over very suddenly C. may create immense snowdrifts D. can cause unexpected avalanches 5. According to the passage, icebergs originate from a buildup of___. A. turbulent water B. feathers C. underwater pressure D. snowflakes 6. The formation of an iceberg is most clearly analogous to which of the following activities? A. Walking on fluffy new snow, causing it to become more compact and icy B. Plowing large areas of earth, leaving the land flat and barren C. Skating across a frozen lake and leaving a trail behind D. Blowing snow into one large pile to clear an area 7. In paragraph 4, the expression "from above" refers to___. A. sunlit seas B. polar regions C. weight of mountains D. layers of ice and snow 8. The attitude of the author toward icebergs is one of A. disappointment B. humor C. disinterest D. wonder 9. The word that in paragraph 2 refers to___. A. bad weather B. icebergs being frightening and dangerous C. clear weather D. how icebergs look in the seas 10. The word merged in the last sentence is closest in meaning to___. A. became B. combined C. included D. consisted IV. Complete the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly as the first sentence. The word provided (if any) must not be altered in any way. 1. Celine has always been fond of classical music. (taste) → Celine___. 2. They cannot watch this film because they are not adults yet. (under) → Since___. 3. It’s a pity you didn’t ask us to spend more time with you. → If only ___. 4. Your essays should be submitted by the 30th of June. → The deadline___. 5. She hasn’t spoken much since the day she met the President. → Little___. Unit 9: THE POSST OFFICE I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others 1. A. staff B. fax C. rank D. cramp 2. A. changed B. delivered C. transferred D. advanced 3. A. secure B. express C. telegram D. network 4. A. notify B. bother C. mobile D. postal 5. A. shape B. rate C. surface D. spacious
  4. II. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. 1. A. spacious B. deliver C. courteous D. customer 2. A. surface B. transmit C. secure D. subscribe 3. A. facsimile B. recipient C. punctuality D. original 4. A. attitude B. document C. ordinary D. transaction 5. A. install B. commune C. offer D. equip III. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fit each gap. 1. Your achievements are something to be ___ of ( pride) 2. It was ___ of you to send the flowers on my birthday. (thought) 3. What I like best about the house is its ___kitchen (space) 4. The trouble is you’ve just no ___ spirit ( compete) 5. There’s at least a ___ guard in almost every office (secure) 6. ___, I find this job easy but today I’m having problems. (ordinary) 7. Classes are based on discussion rather than the one-way ___ knowledge. (transmit) 8. ___ to the magazine can take advantage of this special offer. (subscribe) 9. She expresses deep ___ at the way the post office’s staff serve customers. (satisfy) 10. ___ of the new lift will take several days. (install) IV. Fill in each gap with only one suitable word. 1. The boy, ___ put up the Christmas decoration, is my brother. 2. She has never ;learned ___ to play the violin. 3. ___ the maid had cleaned the windows, she washed the clothes. 4. The policemen were talking to the man ___ car had been badly damaged in the accident. 5. I am going to have an early lunch___ I didn’t have breakfast this morning. 6. Jason has not read any novels ___ the summer holiday. 7. If you practice playing the piano regularly, you will be as ___ as Thomas. 8. Johnny’s parents will not take him to Australia for a holiday ___ he does well in his examination. 9. The police are looking ___ the man who saw the accident. 10. ___ an excellent meal it was! V. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition 1. The gun went in his hand when he was cleaning it. 2. He is known an experienced teacher. 3. They clear away the table and chairs and convert their sitting-room . the dancing room. 4. the contrary, I think you were unwise; prices may go up, but the other hand, they are much more likely to go down. 5. I am thinking going to Bavi to work my uncle’s farm. 6. Smoking is bad your health. You’d better give it as soon as possible. 7. The difference you and I is that I don’t mind hard work. 8. I thought he dropped the vase . accident. 9. I took her a lot of time to get used driving . the left when she was . Britain. 10. Will you ring the station and find when the train is coming? REVISION FOR THE ONE-PERIOD TEST (UNITS 9,10,11) I. Choose the one best answer to complete each sentence. 1. This hotel has got a very___ kitchen. A. spacious B. space C. spaceship D. spacing 2. A ___is someone who sells meat. A. baker B. butcher C. chemist D. shopkeeper
  5. 3. A person who sells flowers is called a ___. A. florist B. farmer C. vegetarian D. biologist 4. We call a man who delivers the mail a ___. A. newsman B. mailbox C. mailman D. officers 5. We’d like to buy the house___ overlooks West Lake. A. who B. whose C. where D. which 6. The woman ___daughter Jack loves is very kind. A. whose B. who C. whom D. which 7. The letter ___she received this morning is from the USA. A. whose B. who C. whom D. which 8. I don’t know the girl ___is wearing a long blue dress. A. whom B. whose C. which D. who 9. Would you mind___ this parcel to Mr. Brown, please? A. send B. sending C. to send D. sent 10. I would like to have my mails and newspapers___ early in the morning. A. deliver B. delivery C. delivered D. to deliver 11. Oil, coal and natural gas are ___. A. nuclear energy B. fossil fuels C. plentiful D. infinite 12. We try to make full use of our local___. A. ecology B. potential C. economics D. geothermal 13. Scientists have done researches on ___ activities of the world’s volcanoes. A. sport B. ecological C. geothermal D. geodetic 14. Vietnam is rich in ___ , such as coal, apatite, bauxite, etc. A. natural resources B. seas C. land D. fish 15. Some people think nuclear power is the only real___. A. alternation B. energetic C. alternative D. fossil fuel 16. Do you know the girl ___ a long white dress? A. wears B. to wear C. wear D. wearing 17. The house___ 40 years ago is still in good condition. A. which built B. to build C. built D. building 18. I like the food___ by my mother. A. was cooked B. cooked C. which cooked D. cooking 19. Linda was the last student___ at the oral exam. A. to be asked B. asking C. asks D. to ask 20. The man___ the bank is a millionaire. A. is entering B. entering C. to be entered D. enters 21. Has she bought the dress ___yet? A. that she is fond in B. which she is fond of C. who she wants it D. which you made of 22. My father is the man___. A. who I believe of B. whom I believe in C. whom I believe into D. that I believe at 23. The man ___is the headmaster of that school. A. who I am introduced B. to whom I am introduced C. whom you are introduced about D. to who I am introduced 24. There are a lot of species of being in the ___world. A. alive B. living C. live D. lived 25. Human being have great ___on the rest of the world. A. focus B. attention C. influence D. attraction 26. Some snakes lay eggs, but others give birth to live___. A. pesticide B. offsprings C. species D. survival 27. Some chemical ___which farmers use to make the soil richer can pollute our environment.
  6. A. medicines B. elements C. fertilizers D. proportion 28. Farmers use ___to kill insects that devastate their crops. A. pesticides B. toothpaste C. cheese D. plums 29. The society was set up to ___ endangered species from extinction. A. prevent B. distinguish C. preserve D. survive 30. People in this region cultivate mainly rice and vegetables. A. destroy B. grow C. develop D. support II. Combine these pairs of sentences, using WHERE, WHICH, WHO, WHOM, WHOSE, THAT 31. The girl is sitting by Jack. She is Mary. 32. Can you understand the question? He asked you the question last time. 33. Is that the girl? We saw her on T.V last night. 34. The farm produces milk. We visited it last Sunday. 35. At last he married the girl. He loved her. III. Correct the mistakes if any 36. It is important to be polite to people who lives in the same building. 37. My sister has 2 children, who their names are Ali and Tally. 38. There are 10 universities in Thailand, seven of them locate in Bangkok is the capital city. 39. I would like to write about several problems which I have faced them since I come to United States. 40. There is a small wooden screen separates the bed from the rest of the room. 41. At the airport, I was waiting for some relatives which I had never met them before. IV. Combine the sentences, using prep + relative pronouns 42. The movie was interesting. We went to it. 43. The woman pays me a fair salary. I work for her. 44. The man is over there. I told you about him. 45. I want to tell you about the party. I went to it last night. 46. The person is sitting at the desk. You should talk to her about your problem. V. Rewrite the sentences, using present / past participles, to-infinitives 47. We had a river in which we could swim. 48. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us? 49. He was the first man who left the burning building. 50. Be sure to follow the instructions that are given at the top of the page. 51. The conclusion which is presented in that book states that most of the cars. 52. The fifth man who was interviewed was completely unsuitable. 53. The rules that allow public access to wilderness areas need to be reconsidered. VI. Complete the sentence with the correct form of word 54. Scientists are searching for fuels, such as the energy of the sun. (alternate) 55. energy is not only plentiful and . but also clean and safe. (sun) / (finite) 56. An important part of conservation is of waste. (prevent) 57. Water power provides energy without .(pollute) 58. (Man) beings are changing the environment in all aspects. VII. Put the verb into the correct tense: 59. Our house (destroy) ___ in the storm last night. 60. The police (look) ___ for the painting now. 61. ___you (find) ___ the wallet which you lost yet? 62. Spring (be) ___ the time when many kinds of flowers blossom. 63. He (not, phone) ___ his girlfriend every day. 64. My parents let me (go) ___ out without (say) ___ anything. 65. George (not, complete) ___ the assignment yet. 66. Janet and Betty (play) ___ tennis with Jack and me every afternoon. 67. Tom used to (go) ___to a lot of parties when he was a student.
  7. 68. Last night, he (apologize) ___ me for (arrive) ___ late. 69. There (be) ___ some water in the bottle. 70. She (not/work) ___, she (swim) ___ in the river now. 71. When she came, I (listen) ___ a speech by the Presidents on the radio. 72. Their daughter (study) ___ English since she was in class 6. 73. She (go) ___ to the cinema on Sundays. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice: 74. Someone can’t make a cake without sugar. 75. Dangerous driving causes many accidents. 76. I was making coffee when the light went out. 77. She is telling us the news. 78. The police haven’t arrested the man who stole your money. 79. John will subscribe to Hoa Hoc Tro weekly magazine if he lives in Vietnam. Make conditional sentences for the following situations. 80. The war will spread everywhere if we don’t stop it.  Unless ___ 81. All our beautiful forests will be destroyed if we do nothing to preserve them.  Unless ___ 82. If he hasn’t got a ticket, they won’t let him in.  Unless ___ 83. If it doesn’t rain, we will have no water to use.  Unless ___ 84. These flowers will die if nobody waters them.  Unless ___ 85. Do your exercises or you will be punished.  Unless ___ 86. The building is too high. He can’t climb up.  If ___